Chapter 2: Peace

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N o t e s: hihi, I decided to post today because I'm really excited to keep going with the story!! Thank you for the views and votes so far, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter as much as you did with the first one. The story is just begging so there's not too much action going on but just wait and see!!

I'll also post the playlist I'm preparing for the fic soon, maybe it'll be ready for the next chapter. See you soon!

p.s. Again, thanks to @lissa_blackbeak for helping me to edit this chapter.


It had been two weeks since you had been in the asshole's bar, Exegol. No memory had come to your head, even if you had tried a thousand times already since then.

You could remember how you got there but it all started to get blurry as soon as you ordered the first beer. Since you didn't have any intention of going back there or cross paths with that asshole ever again, you thought it was useless to keep thinking about it.

However, you couldn't help but to feel... odd. Even if that asshole looked like he had taken care of you that night, you were unable to say what actually happened and with who. You figured that you were in Exegol for at least 3 hours and you could remember a maximum of 20 minutes of the whole thing.

You were someone who wanted to have everything under control. Maybe in not all the habits of your life but definitely in most parts of your life, all the parts you could. This one was one of those. It had been your decision to drink so much alcohol that you forgot almost a whole night. That was rare for you and you certainly didn't want it to happen ever again.

You didn't blame yourself for what happened, not about the fact that you drank. You were young after all and that was what you were supposed to be doing, making mistakes. Besides, you had never been a troublemaker in your life, not even when you were a teenager.

At that time you sometimes saw your life as boring. Because even if you had gone to several times and do whatever society expected you to do when you're "young and reckless" –or that was the theory–, you always thought that most people at your age were dumb and childish for the thing they used to do.

When your mom, Amilyn, died, you were just sixteen and you couldn't help but felt the necessity to grow up faster and start to be more mature. So you did.

Even if you had wanted to be a special agent all your life, you also knew that it was your mom's dream when she was young, but she had you before she could ever make it. When you were old enough so she could try to get into the FBI, she just realized that you were more important for her. For that reason, you wanted to follow her path and make it a reality.

The next day of your pity party full of alcohol, Rose asked you what happened that morning, and you lied. You told her that you just oversleep for three hours because you forgot to set up your alarm on your phone. You weren't sure why you lied to her but at the same time, you thought that telling the truth would make you seem stupid. She would not have judged you tho.

You knew that if she would ever find out it was going to be way worse. And not because of what happened but for the fact that you had lied to her. Another thing that was unusual for you, because both you and Rose never lied to each other. Not for these kinds of things at least.

You weren't a liar in general either. You believed that there was no reason to lie at all, especially when feelings were involved. Fortunately, this wasn't the case. If you didn't want someone to know something, you could choose to stay in silence. If you had to say it for whatever reason, you could lie but not make a big deal out of it. Almost like a half-lie, half-true.

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