Chapter 3: Gorgeus

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N o t e s: Hellooo!! I'm back (kinda late) with another chapter. First of all, thank you for almost 100 views here, I really appreciate it and I hope you're liking the fic so far. I have a few more chapters ready to be posted, but you'll have to wait for a few weeks for the next one.

I finished the playlist!! However, if you have any suggestions I'll be more than happy to hear it

enjoy!! <3


You couldn't leave all the work you had that day behind and go to Exegol, so you decided to wait until your shift was over, hoping that the bar would be open to finding Kylo there. During the hours left you had at work, you thought about how you'd act when you would see him again.

A few days after you woke up in his bedroom you realized that you acted like you were on the defensive, at least a little bit. You didn't relieve his guilt at all. In your opinion, he acted like an asshole that day, even if he was actually trying to be funny. But, at the same time, you also thought that both of you misunderstood things and everything ended up as it did.

But anything of that mattered anymore. There you were, at the door of his bar. You had been looking at the neon light sign of the bar for at least 15 minutes. You didn't have any idea how to talk with him after what happened that morning in his apartment. The main problem was that you weren't just going to talk with him like an informal greeting on the street, you had to ask him a favor. You presupposed that the whole situation was going to be awkward.

To be honest you couldn't be sure if it was going to be awkward or somehow threatening. You knew that nothing was going to happen, but you couldn't allow yourself to fight with him again, and you didn't know if his temperament was always the same as that morning in his house. Or even worse.

You weren't sure how much time had passed when someone opened the door of the bar trying to get out of it. You moved to the side to let him do what he wanted to, and you took that as a sign to enter and do what you had planned to before going back there.

The bar was crowded, especially to be a weekday. Some people were watching a football game on the several –you counted three– TVs placed around the walls, other groups of people were sitting on the different tables positioned on the right side of the bar. The remaining people there were on the left side, sitting on the barstools around the counter of the bar.

You realized how big the place looked even though it wasn't. It had a rectangle shape, all the walls were covered by bricks and dark wood in some places like the skirting boards or the shelves behind the counter bar. The floor was also filled with dark wood panels, matching with the colors of the room. The light was dim: neither too bright nor too low, making it look cozy. As much as a bar could be cozy.

There were two doors besides the main one, which was on the other side of the bar. One of them was behind the counter, next to the shelves filled with bottles of different liquors. The other one was almost in front of the entrance and you guessed it was some kind of back door that communicates with the street in some way. You principally thought that for the material it was made. Compared with the rest of the things in that room, that door seemed to be made of metal.

You eyed the whole place trying to look for Kylo. You decided to stop to think of him as an "asshole" for the rest of the day or you were scared of calling him that as soon as you would open your mouth. But he wasn't there, and that made you feel hopeless. He was the only person who could help you and you didn't have an idea where he would be.

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