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Bella's POV

"You can just put your stuff over there," Jackson said, nodding his head over to the guest room.

I flashed him a fake smile. "Thanks."

I set it down and stared out the window, biting my lip.

"You want to go get something to eat?" Jackson asked, looking at me.

I turned around and looked at him.

"They have those tofu tacos that you like," he smiled.

"You remember the tofu tacos?" I couldn't help but smile, remembering when we were little and he accident ate my tofu taco and I accidentally ate his, which had real meat in it. I threw up all over the table.

"Hell yeah, we got kicked out of my favorite restaurant." He laughed and I did too.

"Yeah, sure, let's go."

We walked down there, and it was freezing cold. Cold air stabbed my lungs when I took a deep breath and I could almost feel all the moisture escaping my lips, leaving them chapped.

It wasn't that cold compared to winter time. It was much worse then, with snow and ice... etcetera.

Jackson opened the door for me, flashing me a smile as I walked in. We sat down and I noticed him watching me over the menu.

Blush crept into my cheeks and I hid them behind my hair, staring at the menu.

Luke would love this place...

What? No. He wouldn't. He would bitch about the cold and tap his fingers on the table annoyingly.

He would start humming When September Ends and poke me, waiting for me to tell him to cut it out.

"Bella?" I heard Jackson say, snapping me out of my little day dream where Luke was still here.

"Oh.. sorry. I'll have the, um, number 6." I said.

"Algo de beber?" the waiter raised his eyebrows. I knew he was asking if we wanted something to drink.

"Um.." Jackson started.

"Pener tener.. um... un agua?" I half questioned, my Spanish quite shaky.

The waiter laughed. "Very good," he said in perfect English. "Most people just say hola." He chuckled, and his eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled.

Just like Luke's...

I forced a laugh and nodded, looking down as I handed him the menu.

"You okay?" Jackson asked.

I nodded slowly. "Just distracted."

"Are you still thinking about him? Because he's gone, Bella." his words stabbed at my heart, but he was right. Luke was gone.

"I know, I wasn't thinking about him." I lied, shaking my head. "I was thinking about NYU." I smiled.

"Aren't you excited?" He asked, then he started rambling on about how his friend loves it there, and how cool the campus is, but I had zoned out long before that.

Luke's POV

There are three reasons why Michael's my best friend.

He's kickass at guitar, he never gets mad when I fuck up, and he has a huge stash of alcohol in his house.

"Luke slow down for fucks sake," Michael said as I opened another can of beer.

I felt myself loosening up, but I hadn't had enough to be drunk yet.

"Dude," he stood up from his couch, grabbing the beer from me.

"Fucking New York!" I continued my rant. "Why does she have to go there!? It's her fault, she's the one that's leaving, and she's mad at me?"

"Luke.." he groaned, shaking his head.

"It's her fault." I repeated.

"Why are you being such an asshole about it?" Michael suddenly yelled. "Do you realize how much of a dick you've been? She's going to college! You should be happy for her! You should be doing everything you can to make her excited about this, and you turned it into something awful!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I mumbled, shaking my head. "How is this my fault?"

"Because if you had been a good friend," he rolled his eyes. "You would be on a plane right now to go see her. You would go see her in New York whenever you can, and apologize for being such a douchebag and you wouldn't have just lost the only girl willing to put up with your shit for longer than one night!" Michael yelled angrily. "But now she's there, with that Jackson dude who's probably trying to get in her pants right now!"

My eyes widened slightly. "She wouldn't..."

"Why not? You made it clear you were done with her, didn't you?" He snapped. "Now stop being a whiny little prick and go see her!"


you go mikey

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