floor 2

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"IM TELLING YOU, SHE'S THE WORST." Tsukishima complained to Shindo at their lunch break, the two eating at the Holly's Diner across from the Dismal office building.

"Is she really all that bad? She's kinda hot." Shindo mumbled with a mouth full of hamburger, swirling his soda around in his glass cup.

"She's got a nasty attitude, she types loud, and she fidgets constantly. She can't sit still for the life of her." He said tonelessly, picking at his food, as he was too upset to eat.

"...Is that it?—"

"She always has some snarky comeback. She purposely bumps into my chair when she gets up to print something from the copier. Her perfume smells too sweet. Her smile annoys me—"

"His voice is so stupid sounding. His personality sucks. The way he types just reeks of 'I'm better than you' energy. And he's constantly telling me what to do!!" Y/n complained to Maki in the break room, picking apart her beef jerky.

"Y/n, how in the world did you already make an enemy?" Maki laughed at her best friend, tossing a grape into her mouth.

Maki and y/n had been friends ever since they were babies, growing up with one another since the beginning of time.

They were practically twins, as they acted almost the exact same—confident, dominant, and ambitious.

If y/n's mother wasn't her biggest idol, it would be Maki. She had shoulder length, dark green hair with thin bangs, and dark green eyes. Her body was more than perfect, as she was tall with long legs, and had the perfect sized chest and butt. Y/n envied Maki and her poise so much, that she'd even mimicked Maki's mannerisms as they entered middle and high school.

After y/n quit her old job working as a bartender in a downtown bar, Maki suggested she'd come work at the Dismal office.

Y/n had already completed college, but refused to work a 9-5 job, as she felt she was giving into the cycle the government "wanted" her to follow.

Eventually, Maki convinced her, and put in a recommendation to Mr.Hashimada. To her luck, Hashimada was actually y/n's mother's brother, so he was willing to give y/n the assistant position in return for hard work.

"He started it! Remember the boy I told you about? The one from the bookstore?"

"Oh yeah, you placed your hand on the book at the same time, right?"

"That was him! Tsushimida!"

"His name is Tsukishima, and really!? He was the man from the store?"

"Yeah!...He's such a brat! I don't know how you're friends with him!"

"He's not half bad! If anything, Shindo is more annoying."

Y/n raised her eyebrow at Maki, pressing her lips together to keep her from smiling. "Heh heeeeeeh. Shindooooo—"

"Nope. We broke up last week."

"Lame. You just broke up with him because you were afraid of losing h—"

"We aren't talking about me right now. We're talking about your blossoming Enemies to Lovers slow burn fantasy." She teased, winking at y/n as she popped another grape into her mouth.

"As if!!" Y/n hissed, kicking Maki's leg from underneath the table.

She hated it when people teased her about things that weren't true.

. . .

"Bye Mr.Yato." Y/n stopped in the hallway, quickly bowing to her advisor as he passed her.

"Great job day! I hope you'll keep working hard!" Yato waved goodbye as he continued down the hall.

"I will!" She stood up straight from her bow, skipping down the hall to the elevator. She noticed someone inside as the doors were about to close. "Hold it!"

The person's hand reached in between the doors, them opening back up for y/n to enter inside.

As she arrived to the elevator, she froze, her shoulders dropping and her whole attitude changing. "...I'll take the stairs."

"You are so petty." Tsukishima muttered, pressing the ground level button on the keypad. "Get in. You're wasting my time."

"Get in, you're wasting my tiiiime." She mocked in a high pitched voice, stepping inside the elevator.

Tsukishima turned to her, his temple throbbing in pure anger. "...I don't sound like that."

"I don't sound like that." She mocked again as the elevator doors closed, smiling through her words as she tried not to laugh.

"What are you, five!?"

"What are you, fiv-"

Y/n then watched as he slipped on his headphones, as he was wearing a black pair of them around his neck. It was almost like he kept them just for cases like this, in the event where someone he didn't like, was bothering him.

She smiled at her victory, turning back to the front.

The elevator doors opened, revealing the empty lobby. Just as y/n was about to step outside, Tsukishima stepped in front of her, bumping her to the side with his shoulder and exiting the elevator first.

Her mouth fell open, scoffing as she watched Tsukishima turn over his shoulder and give a bratty smirk. "Oopsie."

. . .

"...You're following me." Tsukishima called out behind him, taking his headphones off and placing them around his neck.

"In your dreams! I go this way too!!" Y/n shouted, walking a few yards behind him.

. . .

The secretary of the Sunnyside apartment complex glanced up from her computer, peering over her desktop to see Tsukishima and y/n walk into the lobby. "Good evening Tsukishima! Good evening

Both adults seemed to have stopped their movements, turning to the secretary with wide eyes. "...Evening Ms.Kato..."

They then turned to each other, slowly walking to the elevator together. It was obvious they were confused as to why Ms.Kato knew both of their names, and why they were walking into the same apartment complex.

As they walked into the elevator, turning to the keypad, they both pressed the floor 2 button at the same time, their fingertips brushing against one another.

"...This is a nightmare." Y/n whispered.

. . .

"....You're fucking kidding me." Y/n whispered as she stood outside her apartment door.

"...You're telling me...

WE'RE NEIGHBORS!?" Tsukishima turned to his left, y/n staring back at him with shocked eyes.
"So you're the new lunatic whose blasting their music in the mornings, and being annoyingly loud on the weekends for the past couple of weeks!?"

"HUUUUUUHHH!? Lunatic!? Why don't you just put on your headphones so you can't hear it!" Y/n hissed back, inserting her keys to unlock her door.

"Now I just have another reason to dislike you." Tsukishima sighed, walking into his apartment.

"Same here!" Y/n retorted, the two enemies slamming their apartment doors at the same time.

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