grocery shopping

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Y/N SLIPPED ON HER TENNIS SHOES, grabbing her apartment keys and purse from the counter

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Y/N SLIPPED ON HER TENNIS SHOES, grabbing her apartment keys and purse from the counter. She turned to the wall mirror, fixing her flyaways and wiping access lip gloss from her lips.

Today, she planned to run some errands; stop by the flea market, the bookstore, and grab some lunch. It was the first time in a while that she had gone out in public to do personal shopping, and she was actually quite excited.

As she opened the door to her apartment, stepping out into the hall, she heard the door next to her also open, her turning to see...


He was also dressed in normal clothes, like he was getting ready to head out for the day. They immediately squinted at each other, their fresh morning attitudes flipping upside down.

"...Hmph." Y/n turned away as she locked her apartment door behind her, strutting past Tsukishima to the elevator down the hall. 

"It's rude of you not to say good morning to your neighbors, y/n." Tsukishima teased, following behind her after locking up.

"Don't ever mention that we're neighbors in public." Y/n mocked as she replicated his voice, repeating his words from the bar last weekend.

Tsukishima felt his brow twitch. "...Funny...Where are you going dressed like that?"

"What do you mean, dressed like that?" Y/n turned over her shoulder to glare at him, before arriving to the elevator and calling for it.

"You don't actually think that outfit looks cute on you, do you?" He chuckled, raising a brow.

"No one asked for your opinion, you abominable shit goblin."


"You heard me."

"Where the hell are you learning these phrases!?"

"Anyway...I'm going to the flea market downtown. The one that just opened."

"...You've gotta be kidding."

Y/n turned to him, seeing Tsukishima pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. "...That's where I'm headed, too."

"SERIOUSLY!?" Y/n pouted, her voice going high. "Can you stop making the same plans as me!? First it was the bar, and now this!?"

"You think I want to be around you!?" He hissed, brushing past her to walk inside the elevator first.

"UGH! Now my Saturday is ruined!!" Y/n whined, trudging inside the elevator as well.

As the doors closed, y/n noticed Tsukishima's car keys in his hand. "...Drive me to the flea market."

"...What?" He seethed through his teeth, turning to her.

"You're driving there, aren't ya? Let's carpool."

"Hell no. Take the train there, you lazy brat."

"But I need to minimize my carbon footprint." She mocked again, stepping out of the elevator as it arrived to the floor with the car garage.

"That is literally not how that works."

. . .

"Okay, what is it that you need to buy?" Y/n asked as her and Tsukishima walked down the road of the flea market, it buzzing with people and chatter.

It was a hot summer afternoon, the stands filled with different products of food, clothes, jewelry, and other goods for citizens to purchase. Shopping was y/n's favorite activity to do, as it was a coping method she used to "deal with stress".

"I'm just doing some food shopping. And you?" Tsukishima asked, scanning the stands for groceries.

"Some new clothes, a few food shit, blah blah—How about we part ways and meet back up?"

"Then I have to drive you back home." Tsukishima muttered in annoyance.

Y/n gave a thumbs up as she walked ahead of him. "Exactly! Let's meet back here in an hour!" She called out to him.

Tsukishima let out a throaty growl. She's really using me as her personal driver...

He walked over to a nearby stall, bins of different fruits pilled inside. As he picked up one of the apples, examining it for any rotten patches, he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

Thinking it was y/n, he rolled his eyes and turned over his shoulder, but his face quickly changed as he looked down to see an older lady.

She must've been 40-50, but her face looked terrified and wary, her brows slightly lifted and her pupils small.

"You...That girl you were with...What was her name?" The lady whispered, her voice coming out shaky.

"...Uhm...Y/n L/n...Why?"

The woman seemed to have gotten seemingly upset by his answer. Her nose flared, her breathing grew heavy, and her eyes started to tremble.

"...That...that the spawn of Satan...You shouldn't be near her..."

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow, taking a step back against the corner of the stand. "I'm sorry...What?"

"That woman is a devils' baby...She even...she even looks like him—"


A younger boy, most likely in his late teens, jogged up to the woman, grabbing her by the shoulders to calm her down. "I'm so sorry about her! She's not really in a good mental state!" The boy apologized, bowing to Tsukishima.

Tsukishima heard the boy whisper to his mother, "So why did you run off? You know you can't leave my side!", before walking down the road and out of the flea market.

He stood in confusion, not really understanding what just happened. But the woman's words replayed in his mind.

Y/n? A spawn of...


I believe her, y/n's a bratty asshole.

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