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AFTER A DAY AND A HALF of business conventions, meetings, and other activities that were scheduled for the Dismal business employees, the workers were now granted 2 and a half day vacation in America!

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AFTER A DAY AND A HALF of business conventions, meetings, and other activities that were scheduled for the Dismal business employees, the workers were now granted 2 and a half day vacation in America!

"Oi! Morning guys!" Shindo jumped up and down to gather Maki and y/n's attention, the two women entering the lobby later that afternoon.

"Hey Shindo! Ready to go explore the great city of New York?" Y/n beamed, jogging to her ginger friend.

"Hell yeah!!" He shouted, the two of them running out of the lobby and onto the busy streets of America.

Maki sighed, adjusting her purse over her shoulder. "Those two share one brain cell, I swear..."

"Like kids in a candy shop." Tsukishima muttered, accompanying her at her side as they left the lobby of the hotel.

"I mean, I can't blame y/n. She's never had the blessing of leaving Japan before. Everything excites her, honestly, she just doesn't show it."

Tsukishima opened the glass doors, turning to y/n as her and Shindo had stopped by one of the shops to look at the clothes.

Maki noticed his gaze, her grinning. "...Do you like y/n, Tsukishima?"

"HUH!?" He turned back to her, his cheeks flushing.

"I'm asking because you and her seem to be getting along quite well...I figured—"

"It doesn't matter...She just denies it anyway."

"...So you do like her?"

"...I hate myself for falling for some asshole of a brat like her but...I can't control how my heart feels."

"...How long?"

"...Couple weeks, now..."


"Huh?" He turned to Maki, his brow raised.

"A couple weeks ago was when you toned down on the insults against her...That's when I started wondering if you liked her."

"...Oh...I can't help it, though...There's things I wanna do for her...with her...to her—"


"Shut up." He chuckled, making her laugh too.

"...If I could chose someone to date y/n, it would be you, Tsukishima."

"Huh? Really?"

"...Yeah...I think she'd agree with me. Honestly, I don't think she's afraid of you being her future killer anymore...

I think she's afraid of the pain she'd feel if she lost you."

. . .

"Say cheeeeeeese." Tsukishima held up his camera, Maki, Shindo, and y/n posing in the center of time square.

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