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"AHHH THERE ARE MY TWO HARD WORKERS!" Tsukishima and y/n turned in their chairs to see Yato approach their cubicles, a bright smile plastered across his face

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"AHHH THERE ARE MY TWO HARD WORKERS!" Tsukishima and y/n turned in their chairs to see Yato approach their cubicles, a bright smile plastered across his face.

"Good afternoon, Mr.Yato."
"Afternoon', Yato sir."

"I've got a big project for you two." He clapped. "I've sent you two an email about a meeting, and needing a presentation."

"Presentation?" Y/n repeated, swiveling in her chair to face Yato.

"Yeah! We need a pitch for an app Hashimada wants to invest in. It'll let clients read information about our lawyers, and chose the best one they like, all from the comfort of their own home!"

"Since when were we a marketing company?" Tsukishima raised a brow.

"Anyway, I need you two to put together a draft presentation by tomorrow afternoon. The advertising team will polish it up themselves."

Y/n and Tsukishima stared at Yato, before slowly turning to one another. "...Us?" They muttered at the same time, pointing to each other.

"Yeah, you guys! Since your Hashimada's assistants! Now, get to work, I'm counting on you!" Yato waved goodbye to the employees, leaving their stations.

Y/n and Tsukishima slowly turned back to each other, their eyes narrowing. She huffed air through her nose angrily, already annoyed with the thought of having to work with him. "...Let's just get this over with."

. . .

Tsukishima and y/n, after arguing for what seemed like forever, decided to do the draft presentation on Google Slides, since y/n whined about PowerPoint being too complex.

They shared the document with each other, so they could work on it at the same time on their own computers.

"...Let's use this theme." Y/n clicked on a dark green option, the slides changing from unformatted to a viridescent design.

"That's a childish color. We're making this for the CEO to use. Let's do the gray theme." Tsukishima demanded, clicking on the smoky template.

Y/n turned to him with wide eyes, as if she were offended that he would just change the theme without letting her get a say in the decision. "Are you seriously going to argue over a theme with me right now?"

Tsukishima turned to her, his face blank. "Yes. I am. We need to take this seriously."

Y/n felt her eye twitch with irritation. She hated giving in, but she took in a deep breath and turned to face her computer, straightening her posture "...Fine. We'll go with the gray one."

"...Good." He whispered, facing his computer.

He watched y/n start to type the title, using a thin font called Comfortaa.

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