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SERIOUSLY? HIM AND I ARE THE LAST TO LEAVE THE OFFICE AGAIN? Y/n thought to herself, her and Tsukishima locking the room behind them as they closed for the night

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SERIOUSLY? HIM AND I ARE THE LAST TO LEAVE THE OFFICE AGAIN? Y/n thought to herself, her and Tsukishima locking the room behind them as they closed for the night.

"...How come you've been staying so late, Tsukishima?" Y/n grumbled under her breath, walking backwards towards the elevator so she was facing him.

His eyes squinted. "I could ask you the same thing."

"Well, I've been trying to get ahead of tasks! Maybe Hashimada will give me a raise."



"...I've been doing the same thing." Tsukishima mumbled.

"HUH!? So you're trying to get on his good side too, huh? Think you're better than me?!"

"I don't think I am, I know I am! Since when do you take this job so seriously?" Tsukishima hissed, only making y/n angry.

"I have from the start!" She retorted, smashing her finger into the DOWN button for the elevator.

The elevator dinged, the doors opening. As the two co workers walked inside, watching the doors close shut, the elevator slowly brought them down from the 8th floor to the lobby.

Approaching the 6th floor, the above lights in the elevator started to flicker. Suddenly, the elevator came to an abrupt stop, the compartment jerking so hard that Tsukishima and y/n lost balance.

"What the hell?" Y/n sputtered as she fell against the wall.

The elevator came to a complete halt, one of the lights in the elevator going out.

"...No. This can't be happening right now." Tsukishima growled under his breath. He walked to the keypad, pressing the emergency button.

"Oh my god...We're stuck?" Y/n whispered, slowly falling down the wall to sit on her butt.

"No shit, Sherlock." Tsukishima muttered, frantically pushing the emergency button multiple times.

Y/n reached into her skirt pocket and pulled out her phone, planning to call for help...but—

"Shit! My phone's dead." She cursed, setting her phone on the ground next to her. "Try calling Shindo!"

"Don't tell me what to do." Tsukishima snarled, taking out his phone anyway. "...I have no service in here..."

"Huh!? Seriously!!" Y/n shouted. "This can't be real...and of all people—"

"Just shut up and calm down for a sec! I pushed the emergency button a couple times, so it should've informed the front desk....Then they'll call for help to come get us."  Tsukishima explained, sliding down the wall to sit on the ground in front of her.

Y/n sighed, throwing her head back against the elevator. "I'm in a nightmare...I wouldn't mind being stuck with Maki or Shindo, but you..."

"I don't wanna be here with you right now either, so you aren't the only one." Tsukishima hissed, his eye twitching with rage.

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