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"OH MY GOD SHINDO, ARE YOU DONE YET?" Tsukishima murmured under his breath as they stood by the copier machine, Shindo trying on Tsukishima's glasses

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"OH MY GOD SHINDO, ARE YOU DONE YET?" Tsukishima murmured under his breath as they stood by the copier machine, Shindo trying on Tsukishima's glasses.

"Not yet! How do I look? I think I might get these frames!" Shindo turned to him, pushing the black glasses up his nose.

"You look stupid with glasses. Why don't you just keep wearing contacts?" Tsukishima teased.

"You really think I look bad? Contacts are just so expensive!" Shindo whined, taking off the glasses and examining the frames.

"Glasses aren't any cheaper. Now can I have them back—"

"These are really nice though...Maybe I'll save up for them!—" Shindo thought aloud, swinging the glasses around by the arms of the frames. But as he was twirling them in between his fingers, they managed to slip, falling onto the ground.

And within seconds, someone's heel had stepped on them, crushing the lenses and the frames.

"GAHH!!" Shindo and Tsukishima choked, staring at the black velvet heel that was on top of the spectacles.

"...Hm?" Y/n looked down at her feet, lifting her leg and holding her foot by the ankle, gazing at the broken glasses.

Maki, who was accompanied with her friend, bursted into laughter, holding her stomach in pain. "O-Oh m-my god—HAHA!!"

"Tsukki's glasses!!!!" Shindo dropped to his knees, picking up the frames and cradling them like a baby. "His poor, poor glasses."

"Huh? Glasses...Oh." Y/n looked up to Tsukishima, who was furiously glaring her down with his golden eyes.

"...You're paying for these."

"HUH!? Why do I have to!? Why were they on the ground in the first place!?"

"You should pay for them, y/n." Maki suggested, setting her hand on her friends' shoulder in hopes to calm her down.

"HUUUUEEEEEHHHH!? Who's side are you on, Maki!?"

"You broke them, idiot! So you pay for them!!" Tsukishima hissed.

"Who are you calling an idiot, idiot!?" Y/n stepped forward, preparing to give Tsukishima a face full of her fist. "You can't even see if I was the one who really did it!—"

"Ooooooookaaaaayyyyy! Chill out!!" Maki grabbed y/n by the waist, dragging her away from the boys. "She'll pay for them, Tsukishima, don't worry!"

"I will not!" She whined, Maki pushing open the office door and hauling y/n out into the hall.

"...Your glasses..." Shindo whispered, still fussing over the destroyed frames.

. . .

Knock Knock Knock...

Knock Knock...


"I'm coming, I'm coming!!!" Y/n stumbled out of her bedroom, tiredly walking over to her front door.

As she opened it, she was met by someone's chest, her having to tilt her head back to see who it was.

Her heart dropped.

She quickly slammed the door shut, pressing her back into the wall and throwing her hands over her mouth.

"Seriously y/n? Open the door!!"

"What are you doing here, Tsukishima!? It's the weekend!!"

"We're going to the eyeglass store!! You're buying me new frames!!"

"But you're wearing some right now!!"

"They're old frames, meaning they aren't my up-to-date prescription!"

"Well I can't go out like this! Why didn't you warn me!?"

"You're ugly either way! Just hurry up, I don't have all day!!"

Y/n growled through her teeth. She didn't want to pay for his stupid glasses but...she did break them...Besides, if Maki found out that she refused to pay for them, she would definitely be getting a lecture.

. . .

"" Y/n muttered as they entered the car garage of the apartment complex.

"Yeah." Tsukishima responded, taking out his keys from his pocket and pressing a button, a black car beeping and lighting up.

"Then how come you walk to work everyday?" Y/n questioned, her brows furrowing as she opened the passenger door.

"It's called reducing my carbon footprint." He sassed, the two co workers hopping inside the car. "Work is literally only 10 minutes away too, so it makes no sense to waste gas money."

"I guess that makes sense...Maybe you aren't totally stupid." Y/n complimented, throwing in a backhanded statement.

"Let's just go." Tsukishima snarled, starting the car.

. . .

"Ooooohhhhh myyyyy gooooooddd. Hurry up!" Y/n whined, spinning around Tsukishima as he scanned the walls for new frames.

"Could you shut up? I've only been looking for 10 minutes!" Tsukishima hissed, taking a pair of glasses off the hooks and inspecting them.

"MmMMmMmMm." She grumbled, swaying back and forth as she watched Tsukishima take off the glasses he was wearing, trying on the new pair.

"...Hmmm." Tsukishima hummed to himself, turning his face from side to side as he looked in one of the mirrors.

Y/n peered over his shoulder, staring at him through the mirror. As she was studying how he looked with the new, black frames, Tsukishima's eyes locked with hers, the two gazing at one another in the glass.

"...What?" Tsukishima mumbled, holding eye contact with her.

"Nothing...I was just..." Y/n whispered, slightly captivated by him in his new glasses.

Tsukishima also found himself examining the young woman, his eyes tracing her face, eyes, and lips. If he was at gunpoint and had to admit one good thing about y/n, it would be that she's...well...


Though he didn't wanna admit it, she was one hell of a catch. A piece of eye candy to say the least.

"...I was just thinking how stupid you look." She smirked, stepping away from the mirror and laughing to herself.

"Whatever, I'm getting these ones." Tsukishima rolled his eyes, walking towards the register.

. . .

"That'll be 19,617 yen!" The employee announced the final price of the glasses to Tsukishima and y/n.

Y/n sighed as she reached into her wallet, pulling out her credit card and handing it to the cashier. "Here ya go."

"Thank you...Are you two a couple?" The cashier questioned as she scanned the card, handing it back to y/n. "You two are so good looking together!"

Y/n and Tsukishima froze at the..."compliment."

"I'd rather die than date him." Y/n said as politely as she could, stuffing her wallet back in her purse and walking to the exit of the store.

"...Thank you." Tsukishima bowed to the cashier, taking his bag and following behind y/n.

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