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"No, I got here first. Just sit!" Tsukishima demanded, as they started to draw attention from other passengers.

As the two bickered, Maki slowly sat in her seat next to Shindo, sulking in her chair. "...Hey..." She whispered.

"...Hi Maki." Shindo greeted back, talking to her in a formal manner.

She turned to him, managing to giggle. Shindo's cheeks turned a bright pink, him perking up in his seat. "W-Whats so funny??"

"It's always tend to add '-san' after my name because I'm older than you...It reminds me of when we first met, and you kept calling me 'Miss Maki' or 'Ma'am'." She reminisced, smiling as she gazed out the window.

"'re right." He chuckled, sweat dropping. "It's a habit. The only time I didn't add the '-san' was when we were dati—"

Shindo stopped himself. Both his and Maki's face turned pink, them turning away from each other. "...Oh...y-yeah, that's right." She whispered.

"Fine! You can have window, you asshole!" Y/n huffed, plopping down in the seat next to him and pouting.

"Would you quit your whining? We're on a business trip right now." Tsukishima seethed through his teeth.

"Would you quit your whining? We're on a—"

"Stop. Mocking. Me."

. . .

"Huh? The plane is moving." Y/n muttered, looking pass Tsukishima and out the window to see them passing by other airplanes and towards the runway.

"Duh, how stupid can you get? How else would we fly into the air?" He growled.

He then noticed y/n grip the arms of her seat, pressing her back against the chair. He squinted his eyes. "...Have you ever been on a plane before? It looks like you just might piss yourself." He snickered.

"Shut up! I do not!...This is my first time, though." She slouched, squeezing her eyes shut. "Does it hurt?"

"Huh? Does what?"

"When we take doesn't hurt, right?"

"...Your ears might pop but that's about it—"

"Pop!? Like explode?" She panicked, slamming her hands over her ears.

Tsukishima snorted through his nose, slamming his hand over his mouth. "DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" Y/n whined, pinching him in the tricep.

Shindo looked past Maki to see Tsukishima laughing at y/n, his eyes glued to the two friends. "...Maki?"

"Yeah?" She hummed, looking down at a magazine.

"...Do you think y/n likes Tsukishima?"

"..." Maki closed her magazine, looking across the aisle at the bickering co workers.

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