hook up

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THE NEXT DAY, MAKI AND Y/N decided it would be good for them to unwind in the hotel spa, them getting full body massages to help them relax

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THE NEXT DAY, MAKI AND Y/N decided it would be good for them to unwind in the hotel spa, them getting full body massages to help them relax.

"So he started name calling you back? All because you offered he get the raise instead?" Maki summed up the events y/n had just spilled to her, the masseuse digging her fingers into Maki's upper body.

"Well, I think I just triggered him...Probably was over my shit and just...blew up." She sighed, melting into the bed as her masseuse massaged her shoulders.

"...So now what?"

"Fuck him. I've always hated him. This just gave me another reason to hate him even more."



"...I know that you like him."

"Like him? I can barely hold in my puke just by looking at him!—"

"The two of you should talk it out. It's obvious there's feelings balled up between you two—"

"I said I don't like him, Maki!"

"Your eyes say otherwise."

Y/n choked. "...Huh?"

"You gave your last crush the same look. Ty, was his name?...Though you never dated him, you literally thought you had fallen for him—"

"Don't bring him up! I did the stupidest things around him to impress him!" Y/n giggled. "Besides, I was 15. I was dumb and weird. My gaze doesn't show if I like someone or not—"

"Oh but it does...I've know you for almost 20 years, y/n...You like Tsukishima."

"...I'm scared that it could end badly if it doesn't work out..."

"...What's the worst that could happen? You're already enemies."

Y/n heard Maki chuckle, making her sigh. "...There's something about him, Maki...Despite is horrible attitude...he actually seems like he...cares about me? In a way?...I don't have to put my guard up so high around him...And he already claims he won't kill me so...that's a plus?"

"You're standards are on the floor." Maki laughed. "...But seriously y/n...

give him a shot."

. . .

Later that night, the Dismal staff decided to go to the hotel bar to live up the night, eating American food and drinking to their heart's content.

After y/n and Maki decided to play a drunk game of pool (which ended terribly) y/n headed to the bar to get another drink.

She sat at one of the high chair, slamming her hand on the counter and demanding for another beer. "Drink, please!" She asked the bartender.

The bartender chuckled. "Another beer for the foreigner, comin' right up!"

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