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5 years later

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5 years later

"TILT YOUR HEAD TO THE RIGHT, MS.TSUKISHIMA!" The photographer waved his hand to indicate how he wanted y/n's head positioned, looking through his lens with one eye. "And Mr.Tsukishima, stare directly into the camera!"

Sitting on a wooden box, Tsukishima faced forward, giving a power glare.

"Perfect! Y/n, pretend you're having a conversation with him! Whisper in his ear, or something!!"

Y/n, standing behind Tsukishima, slipped her arms over his shoulders from behind, hugging him around the neck. She leaned her mouth to his ear, lightly smirking. "Wow, we're so cool--"

"Shut up. You're gonna make me laugh." He muttered through his lips, trying to keep his stare into the lens as the camera flashed at them, snapping their picture.

"Okay...don't say anything if I'm the better CEO than you."


"I win!"


"I love youuuuu."

"...Love you too."

"Say it like you mean it!"

"Want me to scream it???"

"...Yeah, actually!"

"I hate you."

"Now look ahead, Ms.Tsukishima!!!" The photographer demanded. Y/n set her chin on Tsukishima's shoulder, giving just as intimidating of a glare as Tsukishima.

The photographer shivered. "Oooooo, you two are the scariest lookin' CEO's ever!"

. . .

Tsukishima and y/n pushed open the doors to the Dismal office, all the workers standing up in their seats and bowing. "Good Afternoon, Ms. and Mr.Tsukishima!"

"Hi!!" Y/n waved as she skipped past them to their office, Tsukishima slowly trailing behind her. "She's so childish." He sighed, his temple throbbing.

Y/n pushed open their office door, Maki and Shindo chilling on the couch and reading a magazine. They looked up, their eyes shooting open. "GUYS! The newest issue of the Vivi Magazine came in!!!" Shindo jumped up, waving around the book.

"Oh, with our photoshoot the other day?" Y/n recalled, Tsukishima finally arriving to the conversation.

"You guys are on the cover!!" Maki held up her copy of the magazine, revealing one of Tsukishima and y/n's photos from last weeks' promotional shoot. "A powerful couple running the law industry; Inside the life of the Tsukishima's." Maki read the title aloud.

"Daaaaang, we look good, huh Kei?" Y/n took the magazine, lifting it up for him to see.

"I do. You look stupid." He joked.

"SHUT UP!" She whined, before flipping through the magazine to read their synopsis.

"I can't believe Hashimada got to retire at such an early age, and left this business to you guys!" Shindo fell back onto the couch, propping up his feet and throwing his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, be grateful he gave it to us. You wouldn't be allowed to slack off as much if Dismal was being ran by someone else!!" Tsukishima hissed, pushing Shindo's legs off the coffee table and taking a seat next to him.

"I'm so proud of you two!" Maki cheered, through her arm around y/n. "To think you two hated each other 6 years ago, and now you're married and running the most successful law firm in Japan!"

"Trust me, I don't believe it either." Y/n sighed. "The marrying part, specifically."

"And yet you two still bicker." Shindo chuckled.

Suddenly, the desk phone rang, the four friends turning to the buzzing telephone. "I got it." Y/n skipped over to the table, picking up the phone and bringing it to her ear. "Hello, Dismal Law Firm, this is--"

"Are you Y/n L/n?"

"...Yes...Who is this speaking?"

"Hello, this is Officer Akira. I work as security at the Miyagi Federal Prison. I'm calling to inform you....

That Haruki L/n has been released from his sentence on parole."


as you can tell, i had no clue how to end this story, HAHA

sorry for the sudden timeskip, but i hope you all enjoyed!

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