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I heard my alarm ring, "Shut up." I groaned and stopped it, I pull on my green and black blazer, zipping my black skirt, holding my gloves in my teeth as I zip up my boots, I look to my bedside table and I saw the gun Mika stole from Ferid, "I'll be back, like always." I kiss the gun and close the door behind me. 

"My, my, doesn't that uniform look good on you." I saw Yuu walking over to me, "Shut up." He puts his hand on my face, we boarded the train, it was just the two of us, "So, I thought we were meeting there." He holds his sword, the lights suddenly went out for a moment, I shuffled closer to Yuu, I've always been scared of the dark for as long as I could remember, he held my hand but then the lights flickered back on, "So, are we gonna kill the bloodsuckers once we're there?" Yuu asks, "Enough with the bloodlust, keep that up you won't survive an hour outside the wall." I stand up as we got to our stop. "We're from the Moon Demon Company, we have orders beyond the wall, would you please let us out?" I look at the guards, "What there's no way." "That's an elite squad right?" "Yeah, no place for little kids." "Shut up they can hear you." They mutter, "Hey, they called you a kid, how do you feel Yuu?" I smirk up at him, "They're talking about you cause you're so short." He knocks my head, the doors open and we walk through, "You ready Yuu?" I look up at him, he takes a deep breath and nods, the two of us walking out, "What is the meaning of this Lieutenant Colonel Guren?! Can you explain why I'm put into a squad filled with new recruits?!" We saw a blond girl with pigtails complaining to Guren, he looks up, I wave, "Who's that girl?" Yuu looks down, "Dunno, let's go see." I drag him after me, "There you are, hey Yuu, good morning Yuki." Yoichi waves, I slid down the banister as Yuu tries to frantically keep up with me as he runs down the stairs, "Would it kill ya to be on time?" Kimizuki leans against the wall, "Morning you two." Shinoa looks at us, "Ki! I told you to seriously stop doing that! Last time you did that you got stitches in your eyebrow!" I heard Guren shout, I flinched, I remember, before the virus hit, the two of us were playing tag, I slid down the banister of our staircase and I lost my balance, slicing my eyebrow on the last step, "I could understand if you made me team leader but instead you made her!" The girl keeps complaining, "Are you kidding! Do you seriously think that Yuki Hyakuya is more capable than I am?!" She shouts, "You ought to change your last name soon Ki." Guren looks down at me, "Shut up. That's my decision." I puff my cheeks out, "You! How dare you Yuki! You're no team leader!" Mitsu shouts at me, I smirked, "Sorry Mitsu, Guren thinks I'm right for the job." I stuck my tongue out, she runs towards me, "Don't even think about it Mitsuba, from this day forward Yuki is your team leader so I-" Guren says firmly, "Don't worry Guren. I can handle Mitsu's temper, I mean I can clam your raging storms so this is a walk in the park." I wag my hand and push her buttons, "I'LL DESTROY YOU!" She summons her axe, I laughed and knew better, I flipped my key, materialising my scythe, she starts attacking me, I stabbed my scythe into the ground and flipped around the large staff, balancing on the handle, Guren suddenly appeared in front of Mitsu and used his sword to flick her axe out of her hand and he grabbed her neck, "I hope you like solitary confinement because that's where you're headed," He glares at her, "Yeah I'll behave." She wheezes out, "Let go of her you moron." I slap his wrist, he rubs his wrist, "How dare you slap your superior!" Mitsu shouts at me, "Seriously? You just said you'd behave, and if I hadn't done that, you'd be passed out from lack of oxygen. Where's my thank you. And Guren, wrack off and stop keeping that peeving eye on me." I pursed my lips.

"I'm taking a different route to Shinjuku but I'll meet you there, before I go, let me make one thing clear, the Moon Demon Company moves in a six-man formation, that's why Mitsuba's here. We found six is the golden number when facing armed vampires, any more than that and attacks become confusing, any less we start to lose troops. So I want the six of you to get along, any more infighting or any one of you idiots trying to fly solo is that clear?" He looks at us, "Crystal." I clicked my tongue, "You hear that Yuu, don't do something stupid." I leant on his arm and snickered, suddenly Mitsu's leg came up and was about to hit Yuu's face but he caught it just in time, "Oh. Nice reflexes." She was shocked, "Oooh~ I get it. Lieutenant Colonel Guren, you want me to train these new recruits. Consider it done sir." She looks at us, "What are they going to learn from a trouble maker like you? Ki's got the most experience out of all of you." He rests his hand over his eyes, "WHAT'D YOU SAY!" She shouts and starts blowing up again, "Geez, that girl is a pain in the ass," Kimizuki grumbles, "Did it hurt?" I look at Yuu, "Kinda but I'm fine." He looks down at me, "Good. That psychotic bitch will get on your nerves sooner or later, her yammering voice grows tired before long." I was already annoyed by her droning, squeaky voice, "Listen up, your fellow squad members are now your comrades got it. That means they're more important than family," He looks at me, it was like his eyes were saying the opposite though, "Protect them with your life." He finishes, "Okay. Are you ready for your first mission? I need you to head to Harajuku, according to our intel there's a growing vampire settlement there. Crush them and free the people they're holding hostage. Then head north to Shinjuku." He says, "You guys head out first, I need to talk to Guren for a sec." I say, they all nod and start walking, "Seriously? More important than family? You're kinda undermining what you say to me all the time Nii-san." I say angrily, "Look, I just said that cause the rest of your squad's family is either dead or don't care about them, they have nothing to live for except for themselves. So having a sense of family is what's gonna keep that fire lit. Listen Ki, if anything happens, I need you to get out of there and yell my name. If you're ever in danger, yell my name. I'm serious. I'm not losing you too." He hugs me, I hug him back, "I'll see your annoying face like I do every day, I promise." I snickered as I poked up my head up to look at him, "And I'll hear your annoying voice like I do every day. Promise." He smirks, "Now go, your squad's waiting for you." He says, I nod and run off.

"This place is a mess, I barely remember how it used to look like anymore. I haven't been outside the wall since I was in the Demon Army Custody. Before you and Kimizuki joined our general ed class you used to patrol the outside as guards didn't you?" Yoichi looks around, "That's right, it'd suck." Yuu nods, "Ha! You think you're tough cause you killed a few Horsemen of Johns right outside the spell protected wall? Anybody could do that loser." Mitsu ran in front of us a little and turned around, "The ones near the wall are weak, once you get a half mile out they're ruthless. They're much stronger than anything you've fought in headquarters, you better be ready for the fight of your lives or leave now. We can't afford to have any weaklings in our squad you hear me! One little slip and we're all dead so stay alert, no chit chat and don't break formation." Mitsu spins on her heel and starts storming towards Harajuku.

We continued walking, we were near Harajuku when we heard a little girl's scream, we all whipped towards the sound and we saw a little girl running for her life from a Four Horsemen of John, Yuu was about to run in but Mitsu stopped him, "Don't break formation!" She grabbed his wrist, she was about to be backed down into a cliff, "Sorry but I'd rather but my life on the line than watch that little girl die!" Yuu runs off, "WAIT!" Mitsu runs after him, "You idiots!" Kimizuki was about to run after them, I used my scythe and wrapped it around him to stop him, "Stop, the vampires are coming. We have to be on alert." I say, "You sure?" Yoichi asks, "She's right, I can sense them." Shinoa nods, "The vampires are using her as bait to lure us out." I hold my scythe tighter, "Are you sure? The Four Horsemen of John have no will of their own, so why would they obey the vampires?" Kimizuki grabs his two swords, "They're not obeying, they only kill humans, they're simply following their natural instincts. It's almost like they were created to keep humanity's population under control." Shinoa materialises her scythe, "YOU'RE DEAD!" Mitsu cuts its arm off, I saw three vamps jump down, Mitsu runs off, "YUU! SCREW YOUR HEAD BACK ON AND MOVE YOUR LEGS!" I shout, one shot forward and went to slice him, "Shit. Shinoa, you're acting in command, I'm going after Yuu and look after the little girl." I run in as the girl runs towards her, she nods, I run into the circle of vampires with Yuu, "Ki?! What are you doing?!" He was shocked, "More like what are you doing!" I whip the pole around my waist and keep the vamps at a comfortable distance, I saw blood trickling out of a small cut on Yuu's forehead, I felt my anger spike, "You bastards. No one hurts my family! Moro Mononoke!" I slice the air around us, a large inferno wolf swipes its claws at the vamps, all of them falling into a bloody pile, "Woah... you never told me you were this good..." Yuu stares at me, "So strong, who is she?" I heard one of the vampires mutter, "Yuki!" I heard Shinoa shout the Four Horsemen of John appeared, Kimizuki appeared and slices its face, it falls down, Yoichi uses his arrows to blast its tail and Mitsu finishes it off by stabbing her axe into it, a shower of blood falling down, "Oh wow, thanks you guys." Yuu nods, "How do they have cursed gear?" "They must be the vampire extermination unit." "Call for backup. I'll bet we can capture them." They discuss, "No way." Yuu slices his sword down, a wave of black dust like a geyser, "Alright, that's enough, we should retreat." I hold Yuu's shoulder, they chuckle, "That's right, run from the butcher livestock." One of them says, it snapped a nerve, those words running through my head, I turned my scythe back into its key, "They're mine." I hissed, Yuu stared at me with shock, I've never had this much malice and venom in my voice, "What the hell did you call us?" I walk over to them, the key frantically dancing between my fingers, the world around me drowned out, "Let's fall back." The leading vamp puts his hand on his comrade's shoulder, "You fangs killed my Mika. You're not going anywhere." I suddenly I materialised my scythe and with one clean motion, sliced through all three of them, they all turned to ash and disappeared, "We are to fall back, we're on enemy lines, we need to leave before they call for backup." I turn back to them and turn my scythe back to a key, it was moving like a blur between my fingers, "Ki, calm down. You need to slow down." Yuu grabs my shoulders, he knew I was hitting my peak, I felt the key slow down between my fingers, the thought of Mika always drove me into a blind rage, just seeing their fangs make me sick.

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