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We saw vampires jump out of the helicopter, "Go! Fight!" We saw ordinary soldiers run in, "We've got to help!" Mitsu runs out, we all grab our cursed gear and run into the battlefield, I sliced a few vampires when I realised a hail of bullets fired towards me, I used my scythe to block it, "Hey Yoichi! Take down that chopper!" I yell over the noise, "Oh- Alright!" He pulls his arrow back, Shinoa covers for him, he let go and the helicopter exploded, "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I yelled, I used a curse and increased the swing diameter, I swung the handle around my waist, killing all the vampires in one fluid motion, ashes flying away with the wind, "Thank you very much, I'm with Shinjuku Security Unit well the third platoon to be exact, Corporal Negai. And you must be a vampire extermination unit right?" He looks at me as my squad walks over, "Moon Demon Company." I nod, "Woah, you gotta be kidding me, maybe we've got some luck. Men, ready a transport for our soldiers." He turns around, "Sir!" They all run off. 

We got into the back of a truck, Negai was driving, "We should be at the defensive line in about fifteen minutes. Things might get a little bumpy." He lifts up the flap, "Listen up boys, I've got a present for you." I threw them all a small packet of pills, "We use these to give us a little boost before the battle," Mitsu says, "Yep, I hate to say it but we're all a little doping. It'll help with synchronising your demon and that means your power increases," Shinoa nods, "So if I eat one of these I can kill nobles?" Yuu looks at the pills in his hands, "It's not guaranteed but you have a better chance at not dying. One pill and you're one and half times stronger, if you take two you're one point eight times stronger," I count my fingers, "Woah! So if I take like ten of them!" Yuu leans over, "Then you'd be some kind of god! One thing though your organs explode if you take more than three." Shinoa smirks, "Even two pills can cause you to die from shock to be safe you should stick to one at first." Shinoa shakes the case, "And you should know that the effects only last fifteen minutes. After the pill wears off you'll be as vulnerable as you are now." Mitsu says, "Why didn't you give these to us earlier? We could've defeated that noble!" Yuu looks at me, "Idiot, the pills take ten seconds to take effect, we would've been dead by the time the effects start kicking in-" Suddenly the truck shook and we felt ourselves flying around, the truck was spinning out of control, we all got out of the truck, a helicopter was shooting at us, "Yoichi!" Mitsu shouts, "On it!" He materialises his bow and shoots the helicopter, Yuu and Shinoa try to save the corporal, he was unconscious in the driver's seat, "ARGH!" The ground started falling under us.

I groaned in pain and held my head, "Hey, Kimizuki, Yoichi, Mitsu." I shake all of them, "Ki?" I heard Yuu's voice but I didn't see him, "Yuu?" I look around, "Are you on the other side of this wall?" He asks, I saw a large mound of rocks separating us, "Yeah." I grit my teeth, "Alright, you head out your way and we'll meet back up at Shinjuku. Shinoa and I are together so we'll find you guys." He says, I bunch my fists up, "Yeah, it's our best option. See you there." I hold my key and stand up, "Is that really the best option?" Yoichi looks at me, "It's the best we've got, they can regroup back to us because their closest exit will probably be base camp and they can find us. For now, we need to prioritise getting out of here and trying to avoid as many vampires as possible." I say, they all nod and stand up. We spent half an hour getting out from the underground, once we did, we were ambushed by a group of vampires, "Don't underestimate me!" Kimizuki goes to slice a vampire, "Kimizuki! Watch your back!" Mitsu shouts but Yuu appeared and blocked it, "Yuu!" I smiled, "Thankyoup." I pop the 'p' as I jump up and slice through the rest of the vampires, "I just needed an opening to finally get my strike in." I stick my tongue out, "And you're saying you couldn't do that earlier!" Kimizuki grabs my collar, I had a smug look on my face and don't face him, "Where are the rest of the vampires!" Yuu whips around, "They're all dead genius." Kimizuki looks at him, "Yuki just killed the last of them." Yoichi nods, the rain stopped and the sun started shining, "Come on guys, now that we've cleaned up the park let's go meet up with Guren." I turn my scythe back into its key form and throw it up into the air, "Yeah you're right." Mitsu nods, "And we can go as a whole squad." Yoichi smiles, "Ready Yuu?" Shinoa looks at him, "Hell yeah, I'll kill very last bloodsucker." He sheaths his sword.

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