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I appeared in front of Crowley, my wolf bit his arm off and I used my scythe to blast him through buildings, I saw a girl with purple hair in front of me, I ran towards her, she materialised a scythe and I swung it out of her hand, she grunts in pain, she tries to run away and I stabbed, blood spewed out, "No Kiki! Don't do it! You'll never forgive yourself!" I heard a vampire with blond hair say, "Why... why did you save me?" The girl asks, "Shut up human, this is happening because you used my Yuki." He grunts, I forced my blade in deeper, "Shinoa!" I saw someone with black hair shout, "What are you doing! Our lives depend on you! Go!" He was wearing a black and red uniform, I felt her hug me, "Yuki! Stop it! Please you have to or all of us will die! You're my best friend! I won't kill you!" She shouts, "Don't you dare touch her, get your filthy hands off my Yuki!" The vampire shouts, "STOP IT!" She shouts, the vampire slid off my blade, "Please Yuki! You need to stop!" She shouts, "Ki! You need to stop! Come back to us!" I saw another person with black hair hug me tight, he had piercing green eyes, I felt the markings slowly dissolve off my face, "Ki. I'm right here." I felt someone run over to me, the man from before with the black and red uniform, he held me tight, "Damn you humans and your treachery." I saw Mika in the corner of my eye, "You're done here, the Hiragi family will take care of things now." We look up and saw Kureto, "Alright men, I need those nobles taken alive. We need to show them once and for all what happens to those that disobey humanity the Japanese Imperial Demon Army or the Hiragi family. Here we go." He says, I felt my consciousness slip away, "Mi...ka..." I reach my fingers out to him, the last thing I remember was our fingers interlocking.

I woke up in a hospital bed, I look out the window, "Nighttime..." I muttered to myself, "Yuki?" I heard a groggy voice, I look down and saw Shinoa, "Oh wow! You're finally awake!" She hugs me tight, "Wha?" I was confused, "I'll go grab the rest! Give me a sec!" She runs out of the room, "Hy wait-" I sighed, "Shinoa, always in such a hurry." I laughed to myself. Yuu walked in, "Hey." He shuts the door, "Hey..." I smile, "You were out for seven days, did you know that." He says, "S-Seven days?!" I blinked, "Yeah, we thought you were a goner." He chuckles, "Wow... seven days." I was still confused, "Do you remember what happened last?" He asks, "The last think I remember was Mika. That's it. Everything's blurry after that." I say, "Interesting, well the last thing you said was, 'Mi...ka...' and you fell asleep." Yuu makes a dramatic performance and falls on my bed, I laughed, "You're still so quick to make me laugh." I pet his hair, "Then what about the vampires? Did Mika escape?" I ask, "We didn't catch any nobles, Mika made it out but we killed a bunch of normal vampires, even took a few hostages. Just keep your cool, you still need to recover so don't try to raid them on your own." He knocks my head, I smiled, "It's fine, as long as I know Mika's alive and safe, that's all I care about..." I smiled and lay back down, the lights turned on, "Ow." I covered my eyes at the harsh light, "Welcome back." I heard Kimizuki's voice, "You're awake!" Yoichi smiles, "Hey, listen up guys, I wanna say something. It's no big, I just want to say thank you and apologise for sleeping so long, I'm lucky to have all of you." I smiled at all of them, I felt my eyes grow heavy, "Now get out of here, I'm gonna fall asleep and I don't want anyone to watch me get some shuteye. That's creepy." I pull the blankets up, "And once I'm done getting better. We're going back out there." I look at all of them, they all smiled, "You got it." Shinoa winks, everyone got out and shut the door, I stand up and look out the window, "And once we're back, I'm coming right back for you. I promise, Mika." I rest my forehead on the glass.

I was ordered to go to the Hiragi's they informed me that I was probably a lab rat for the Hyakuya sect, they thought I was the traitor in the army relaying information to the vampires, Kureto wanted me to join him and to leave Guren behind, "Never." I slap his hand away and walk out. I found myself in the large open area again, my eyes widen, "Big Brother. Kureto told me all of the Hyakuya's were used as guinea pigs, experimented on with some weird sect practising act tell me the truth, did you save me and Yuu so that you could use us." I spat out, "That's not true. I saved you because I love you as my little sister. I only saved Yuu because I could use him later when his powers develop. So what? Are you going to start sulking now?" He asks, I felt conflicted, "No... You're my big brother... I could never hate you. You saved us that day... but I want to know if I'm any help to your team, and if I am that means Mika is too, he's a lab rat too. I don't care what the Hyakuya did to me, I can't change that, it's done. Just tell me how I can get Mika back. Please." I grip onto his sleeve, he pets my head, "We'll do what we can to get Mika back." He smiles.

"Lend me your power Asuramaru." The curse mark appears on Yuu's cheek, "So that's it, I'm possessed right?" He looks us me, "I guess but you're at the lowest form of possession, to gain more demonic power you need to cut yourself on the blade and ask your sword to drink your blood." I explain, "Blood? Sounds like my sword is some kind of vampire." Yuu jokes, "Well there is a pretty interesting history between demons, devils and bloodsuckers. Let's see, where to begin." Shinoa taps her chin, "Don't. Spare us the lecture Shinoa. Let's do this." Kimizuki and Yuu grin at each other, "Hold it. You're gonna try it at the same time? What id something goes wrong?" Mitsu stops them, "Your demons could go out of control. Remember when Yoichi tries to kill us that's why we came out here so you won't hurt anything." I look around the baren land, "Hey guys. It's the Four Horsemen of John." Yoichi had a star around his eye, I smirked, "He's been strengthening his bond." I nodded, "Huh? You said something?" Yuu looks at me, I shake my head, "Just watch." Shinoa nods, he takes a deep breath and fires his arrows, a large black aura behind him, all fusing into the arrows, they turned into birds and flew into the Four Horsemen of John, killing them in an instant, "You guys. I did it." Yoichi claps and jogs over to us, "Great job Yoichi." I smile, "Did you just manifest your demon since when could you do that?!" Yuu looks at him, "Explain how that's possible Ki," "Have you been giving him private lessons or something?" The boys look at me, "No Yoichi's mastered manifestation on his own, he's always had exceptional curse control abilities. He's got a surprisingly strong relationship with his demon." I spun my scythe in a circle and Moro appeared, a flaming wolf two meters tall wrapped its tail around me and rests its snout in front of my hand, I pet him and he growls, "Woah..." Kimizuki looks at me, "It's rare, I've never seen anyone except for Yuki have a bond that strong in order to call for their demon in such a casual way, it's almost like a pet wolf." Shinoa says, "I've been talking to my demon before I go to sleep and in my dreams and now I just sorta get how to do it." Yoichi scratches his cheek, Moro dissolves back into his key form, Yuu grins, "Alright Asuramaru drink my blood." He slices his hand on his blade and it trickled into its handle, his eyes go red, "Prepare to fight!" Everyone draws their weapons Yuu fell onto the ground, "Is he okay?" Yoichi asks, "What happened?" Kimizuki prods his face with the back of his blades, "I mean he didn't go berserk so that's a big improvement." Shinoa puts her scythe back, "More than likely he's trying to make contact with his demon we'll have to watch over him till he regains full consciousness." Mitsu says, "Don't look so worried, we're here to look after our family boys." Shinoa smirks at Kimizuki and Yoichi.

We built a fire and waited for Yuu to regain consciousness, suddenly he started thrashing around, "It's starting!" Mitsu says, we all grab onto him, pushing him to the ground, "Yeah. He's finally found his demon." I nod and grip his arm tighter and push him harder, after twenty minutes, he finally opened his eyes, "Hey, you're back. Wait it's really you right?" Yoichi asks, "Geez you looked like you were about to die on us right there." Kimizuki sighs, "Sorry I didn't know what was going on with my body." Yuu apologises, "So, was it successful?" I ask, he nods, "Is it just me but I'm really tired, can we do Kimizuki's training later?" Mitsu asks, "What! No way, we're doing it now!" He says, "Hey calm down, she's right, I'm kinda getting hungry too." Yoichi nods, "No one cares if you're hungry!" Kimizuki retaliates, Yuu laughs "Well it took you long enough, how was it? Are you okay? I guess you're able to fight off the psychological attacks." Shinoa says, "Yeah well I knew I wasn't alone, not now that I have you guys." He says, "Huh?" We look at him, "Well nothing, nevermind." He smiles. 

Kimizuki was next, "Tell me Ki, was I as bad as this?" Yuu looks at me, Kimizuki was thrashing around, "No, not as bad as this. We might be in it for this one." I grabbed onto him tighter, "I think his demon might be trying to take over his body." Mitsu says, "Yuu, I need you to be ready to attack just in case." I say, he finally woke up, and swung his sword at Yuu, "Everyone! He's possessed!" Shinoa says, we all grab our weapons, "Woah, relax everyone, there's nothing to worry about," He smiles, "Hey! If that's true then why did you attack me!" Yuu shouts, "Cause we finally need to settle this once and for all, who's stronger." Kimizuki walks over to Yuu, "I see, you finally outsmarted your demon." Yuu smirks, "Yep and now I can be possessed whenever I want," He grins, "Hey what are you idiots doing-" Mitsu was about to break it up, "Stop, this will be interesting." Shinoa holds her arm up, Mitsu looks at me, "I'm here for the ride. I think it'll be fun to watch." I sit down and grinned. Yuu's new ability allowed him to fan out copies of Asuramaru and can fly around, Kimizuki's new ability created a coffin that can lock opponents in, "Our team is showing to quite impressive." Shinoa chuckles, I nod, "Quite interesting indeed." I spin my key around my thumb.

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