🩸 11 🩸

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"Hey Ki, how much longer?" Yuu groans, "We've got about twenty minutes." My key was flipping between my fingers, "Everyone, fall in line. I want to go over our plan of attack again." Narumi walked over, "We begin in 1400 hours, our gathered troops will move in teams attacking in unison, if all targets work as planned we'll have eight targets. Leaving two nobles alive, our target's a strong one Lucal Wesker the fifteenth progenitor. We plan to engage him here, if we're unable to take him by surprise then our priority is to block his retreat and prevent him from getting to the other nobles, once our target is dead we'll hold off any other vampires until Lieutenant Colonel gives us new orders. Best case scenario all the targets are killed simultaneously and we don't have any trouble killing the other two in Nagoya if the targets aren't destroyed and the nobles join forces there's no way we'll be able to beat them. Look, all of our targets are positioned fairly close to each other but since our assembled forces have been split into smaller groups it should keep the targets busy." Iwasaki point at the map, "Our team's one of the smallest that must mean there are high expectations for us. Even though there aren't as many troops in our squad failure is not an option if you make one mistake it'll put all hundred lives of your comrades at risk, you have to remember that." Narumi looks at us, "Argh, right so all we gotta do is kill this Laladada guy right? No sweat." Yuu starts to walk off, "Come on man." Kimizuki says, "Fooling around will get us killed, we're behind enemy lines have you forgotten what the Leiutenant Colonel said?" Narumi says, "Huh? I'm just saying it's not gonna be that hard." Yuu turns around, "Show some respect," Narumi folds his arms, "This kid, he isn't serious..." Kageyama looks at him, "Sergeant Narumi, is there anyway we can be assigned with other people? I can't rely on these kids having my back." Inoue huffs, "Woah, calm down Rika, we need to work alongside them. We don't really have time to switch out." Endo tries to calm her down, "This kind of unrest isn't good, they hate us." Mitsu says, "Go apologise." Kimizuki says, "Segearnt Narumi. I'm sorry for Yuu's actions, I'll make sure my squad is ready for-" He puts his hand on my shoulder, "No one needs to apologise just remember we need to be on our toes. If even one person lets us down we're all as good as dead, I don't want to lose a comrade cause of a single screw up. We begin in six minutes, Yayoi, report." He looks at his pocket watch, "Our target should be in sight soon, any second according to our intelligence. He visits his park at almost the same time every day without fail." She says.

Everyone was getting ready, Yoichi was with Shinya for our sniper backups, I jump up and down, flapping my hands, I saw Byakomaru and Kisekio get fired, "Everyone take your cursed stimulant pills now, it's time, let's make this quick." Narumi says, "Narumi, let me take the first strike, I'll gauge the enemy's strength, cover me." Yuu says as we all started running, "You've got my permission, make it count." He nods, Yuu runs forward, a hail of arrows shoots the normal vampires down, I grinned, "Nice shooting Yoichi." I whistled, we all started moving in, "You're finished!" Shinoa went to slice him but he caught her blade with his fingers, "Nice try human." He throws her away, Narumi was just about to pierce her in his line of strike, "NO!" Yuu blocks him with his sword, "You idiot, you were my target to begin with." Lucal slices his sword down, "Protect them!" We heard Endo's voice, her demon made a large facade protecting us, Lucal slices through it without a problem and blows everyone back, I stabbed my scythe into the ground so I wasn't pushed back, "Oh you've pushed my buttons now." I growled and blew the strand of hair out of my face, "Go! Moro!" I swiped my scythe and the large wolf appeared, biting the Lucal's head clean off, the rest of his body dissolving into ashes and floating away, "Nice job." I pet his chin as he walks back, he growls in happiness and dissipates back into my blade, "Great job guys, when we work as a team we can even take down nobles." I turned around with a peace sign, they all paled, "That was all you Ki, I don't get it. How are you just so powerful?" Yuu looks at me.

We were all waiting around, "So how long do we need to wait exactly?" Yuu asks, "The other squads should be meeting up with us at 2:20." I look at my pocket watch, "It's already 2:13." I muttered, I saw another group walking over to us as the dust cleared, "Is the Lieutenant Colonel here yet?" The leader asks, "No, not yet." Narumi says, "I see. Stand by for the time being." She turns to her squads." She says, "Yes ma'am." They all nod, "Hey, Yuki. Weren't there fifteen soldiers in that squad before we left?" Kimizuki asks, "There were." I nod, my fingers were picking at the dirt under my nails, "Ren... when the hell will you get to us?" I mumble, "We lost so many." Mitsu walks over as she looks at the seven remaining soldiers, "You didn't lose any members of your squad." Aihara walks over to Narumi, "I know! I'm incredible." He teases, "Shut up." She says, I walk over, "Hey, I'm glad you made it out alive, we've got this area locked down, you should get some rest." I smile, "This is one of the newbies?" She looks me up and down, "That's right. Careful, we've got the best team around." Narumi had a smug look on his face, "Thanks Hyakuya, we'll take you up on that offer and regain some of our strength. Please keep your eyes open." She says, "Sure thing, we've got your backs." I walked back to my squad, "What are you guys doing out here like lost puppies? So tell me, did you complete your mission?" I quickly turn around and I saw Guren, you could see the tension and stress leave my body, "Yeah we killed our guy, and what about your squad?" Yuu walks over puffing his chest, "Piece of cake, and don't take credit for someone else's kill!" He punches Yuu's head, "Ow! What the hell!" He rubs his head, "Yeah, that's right, Narumi already told me that Ki was the one who summoned and manifested Moro and bit the damn vamp." He rubs the top of my head, I growled and tried to grab his wrist and flick him off, "Careful there Ki, I think Moro's rubbing off on you too much." He teases, "SHUT UP!" I kicked him, Guren looked at Aihara and the remaining men in her squad, "Aihara, you lost eight of your men." Guren says, "Um, they were killed sir, I apologise. Lieutenant Colonel, I've failed my squad." She bunches up her fist, "I knew there'd be losses, the comrade's deaths are on my hands, not yours." He says, "No sir, I should've been a better leader," She grits her teeth, "Listen to me, you saved seven of your men," Guren says, she cries, "Ki, anything from other teams?" Guren asks, "No sir~." I poked his ribs and sang, "Alright, we'll just have to go on the next mission without them." He says, "What's it about?" Yuu asks, "The other soldiers assigned the three nobles in city hall found themselves completely overwhelmed the vampires are holding twenty five of them hostage." Guren explains, "Oh no." Shinoa taps her nail to the key, "We're definitely going to need those men for future missions, our new objective is to kill those three nobles and rescue our comrades." He finishes, "Lieutenant Colonel please let me go on this mission too. I would really like to be of assistance." Aihara walks over and wipes her tears, "Not a chance, I don't have time for someone crying on the battlefield." He says, she gasps, "I'm kidding okay, once we're done at city hall we'll rendezvous at the airport I need you to stay here and relay that information to the other squads that show up I'm counting on you." He paraphrases, I raise an eyebrow as she gasps, "Yes sir!" She lights up, "Right! Let's get moving kids." He yells, "Yes sir." Everyone nods.

We were all walking in formation, following Guren, I speed up and walk next to him, "What are you doing?! Stay in formation." Narumi hisses at me, I ignore him and hop over to Guren's side, "Way to ease that blow Ren, you saw her face." I look up at him, he sighs, "What do you want? Spit it out." He rests his hand on his sword, "All I'm saying is that this is probably a trap. Do I really want my brave, strong big brother to fall, not really." I shrug, "I know, that wasn't what you wanted to say, stop bottling it up. You always have a habit of doing that, just spit it out Ki." He rests his elbow on my head, I grumble, "I'm not an armrest," I furrow my brows, "Fine. I know we've lost a lot of comrades, you don't really handle that stuff well and I dunno. I just want to make sure you're okay." I hold his hand, "This was a dangerous mission, we were bound to lose soldiers." He squeezes my hand, "And you're still gonna beat yourself up for it. It's part of the Ichinose package isn't it?" I smile, "Shut up brat." He smirks and ruffles my hair.

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