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"open the door now"y/n banged on his door continuesly and after a few minutes,bright opened the door for his sister.

"What do you little turnip want now?"he asked annoyed and walked past her,but she followed.

"Did you really thought I would let you hurt my friend like that. He didnt called off the wedding just because he didn't wanted to make our families sad. But after marriage,if you dare a lay a hand in him, I'll really show you what I'm capable of. You better take my words seriously cuz this is no joke"she warned and he yawned at her.

"Done talking? I'm going back to sleep now"he get back in the room and she managed to throw a ball at him which he kicked off successfully.


"Y/n I saw the pictures Man took last day and I think I know her"mark called her and she threw the book she was reading and stood up on her bed.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Miss yoona"

"Eh? That sounds familiar"

"She's the same lady we hired to create a play on making a hype in the office"

"WHAT? does it mean we've been played by them?" She asked unbelievably.

"I think so....."

"So that yoona bi*** must be his girlfriend and he discussed the deal with us to him and played together. Goshhhhh why is this world so small?"

"Calm down y/n.....since you asked me to treat you as a sister and not as my boss's sister, I think we should take care of Win now. I'm on it with you"

"Thanks p'Mark. I'll call you later"she put her phone down and sat feeling so bad for her friend.

"Out of all the people why it had to be you,win"she pouted to herself.


Day's passed by like in a blink of eyes. Now there's only two days left for the wedding and everyone keep themselves busy to make the wedding perfect.

Y/n grabbed Fong's jaw and forced him to open the mouth and shoved another flavoured cake into his mouth.

"How's it?"she asked and he swalloed it hard bitterly, it was around 1aroun she's making those boys taste different types of cakes but she is not satisfied with any.

"Too sweet"

"Hmmmm.open your mouth ohm"she said and he didn't wanted her to force and opened himself.

"What's does it sweet like?"

"Peanut" he said and she shook her head as no.

"Win hate it, let's check the next one"it's like she dragging her pet's to everywhere she go. Ofcourse y/n can be annoying but she was making their life more enjoyable. One day without her make them all miss her so much and especially Fong, which made his friends worried of him.


Y/n stretched and yawn as she walked out with boys to the car.

"That was tiring"she said and they nodded.

"You too eat too much sweet so let's go to select the choclate's today itself. So we can spare some free time from tomorrow"

"WHAT?"They looked at each other.

"Come now, don't be lazy and get in the car"she said and they can do nothing but obey.


"What's taking you too long?"bright was about to knock on the door when he opened the door and walked out in his wedding dress that Bright choose for him earlier.

Seeing him anyway in anything doesn't matter,he was always more than satisfying in Brights eyes.

Bright walked closer to win and Win's heartbeat began to increase and as if knowing, bright smirked.

He moved further close to him and was about to wrap an arm around his wait when Mark interupted, exactly by y/n's instruction.

"Sir we should get out fast. 2hours we had booked this shop is about to finish"Mark said and win slipped away from Bright's hand.

"Ask them to pack it and send it to his address with other things"bright said and walked out of there with a win following him like a lost puppy.


"Oh we are so happy to cancel all other events here for you Mr.Weerayut and Mr.Tawan"the owner of the famous hall RJ said and the friend's smiled.

"That's great, so start the arrangements tomorrow itself. The reception is to be held on day after tomorrow after 6pm"Tawan said and they noted it down.

When they left the place and got in the car they were all so happy.

"Finally we are being a family and y/n is the most excited one to bring Win home"Tawan said everyone smiled at that.

"She is still childish sometimes"lisa said.

"She didn't get much time to spend with you parents....."Jennie said and Lisa nodded at that.

"Since, I'm not planning to send her away again. And that's why I sent her to the uni here"tawan said.


"To our cute caring bunny"y/n said again and drank up the last glass of beer.

"Next"she shouted and win stopped her.

"You are wasted y/n. Let's go back"win said but she defended herself.

"I AM Fineeeeeee"she sing sand and fall asleep on Win's Shoulder.

Ohm and fong help him to carry her outside.

"We can't bring her to mine or her house. We should crash in anyone of yours dorm"Win said and Fong agreed to leave his dorm for win and y/n while he sleep in at ohm's.

"Win, we've always wanted to ask this. She's always careless and childish and also very protective over you"ohm asked.

"We first met when we were 6yrs old and we were together two years here in Thailand. Later she was send to America with her aunt and uncle. It was 2year before I and my family moved to there. We found eachother in the same school. Her uncle and aunt is like her parents and concentrate more on business,she was lonely except the time she spent with me in school. And we share everything, stayed with each other in ups and down. We grew up just like that. She missed the part of love from family in her childhood and the only person she let in her world is me. She don't let anything to hurt me and would do anything to protect me. In the last year if highschool we again came back to Thailand left her all alone. Her family only visited her there in a few times. Somehow I lost her number and didn't contacted each other. I met you guys but I felt so disappointed and sad by the thought of her forgetting me. And then the rest you know she came here and we are together again"bright said with a smile and looked at y/n who was now fast asleep on Fong's bed.

"Even if she treat you guys a bit different than me she always talk about you two,which means you are in her heart too"win said and they both smiled.

"She must be missing her childhood. She's Also lucky to find a brother like you"Fong said and Win nodded to that.

"It's late night Fong, let's go. My guts say that tomorrow also we will be accompanying queen y/n"ohm said and they laughed at it.


"Sir where are you going?"Mark asked when Bright collected the key of the car to drive himself alone to somewhere.

"To see someone. You can stay back"he said and started the engine a d drove off. Mark took his phone and call y/n and decided to follow him secretly as she said.


Bright waited on the guests area and waited for her to come down.

"Hey Bright"he heard the familiar voice and stood up with a smile and walked towards her.

Mark hid behind a wall trying not to be suspicious and not to be seen in bright's eyes.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-1]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now