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"Oh Prim- H-hey do you miss your childhood?"Prim took an off day with Mark leaving Tonhon all alone in company since he agreed too. They both went to book store and Mark got a call and when he was back all he saw was a Prim trying to stuff a stack of children's book inside the car.

"WHAT? NO....... it's for P'Bright"Prim sighed and closed the door to get in the driving seat and Mark entered the passenger seat. Prim is a lover of driving like Win and unlike Bright and Mark. But both rarely get a chance.

"So now he's reading children's story book?"Mark asked and Prim shook her head while starting the engine.

"No no...... Win has gotten more demanding because of than tiny cutee in his tummy. He is making P'Bright tell him kids stories every night and He almost told all the stories he knew"Prim chuckled abit with Mark.

"That must be cute"Mark commented.

"Cute to be seen"she shook her head and concentrated on driving to the convenience store to get everything Bright told her to get.


"You're too much energetic today huh?"Bright laid his head on Win's lap and touched his tummy feeling the little one's moving around a lot and kicking. It's his 6th month and Bright really felt happy about how Win's dealing with this. The cramps and cravings can be at the peak sometimes but with Bright's help he deal well with it. Bright also learnt cooking for him,so that he don't have to takeout everytime.

"The baby kicked a lot last night"Win said as he took on more chips and ate it.

"Yeah.....I think he/she is also excited to see us"Bright said and pecked Win's tummy where he just felt the baby's kicking. And then it kicked again.

"Oow- you loved dad's kisses?"Bright asked and kissed again making the baby crave for more.

"Woaah baby is listening to us"Win caressed his tummy and Bright chuckled.

"I'm so proud of you Win"Bright said and sat up.

"Why P'Bright?"

"Look how well you're taking our baby. You care,love and take in everything so well.......it make me fall more for you everyday"Bright said and pecked Win's lips.

The little peck turned into a little make out section until the doorbell was ringing.

"Sit here hun. I'll go get it."Bright once again pecked his lips and get down the couch.


"It's heavy"Mark commented and helped Prim to hold the books.

"Yes it is- oh hey P-'Bright?"Both of them looked at the door when it was opened and saw Bright.

"I'll help you with than-"

"No no, we got this. Just move aside and we'll put it inside"Mark said with a smile a Bright moved aside to let them in.

"Pheww"they bith sighed exhaustedly after putting them down and mark went to get other bags with Bright and Prim ran into see her loved bestfriend.

"Surprise"Prim shouted and Win flinched a bit but he suddenly smiled when he saw Prim.

"Hey little peanut"he said and before he could get up she ran to him and hugged him gently.

"Awwwwww you look so cute Win"Prim pinched his cheeks and he blushed.

"Did you miss aunt Prim,hmm?"Prim pecked his tummy but no movements and she pouted.

"Baby must be resting, it was all energetic and active while playing with his/her father a few minute ago"Win said and ruffled her hair making her smile. Then Mark and Bright joined them.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-1]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now