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Bright looked into the box and put his hands into pick up something.

"Come here you little thing"Bright said softly with a smile and Win gasped when he got a look of what Bright had in his hands now.

"Did you just scared your mommy away? Hmmm?"Bright cooed over the little chihuahua puppy in his arms and then looked at Win who still haven't touched his feet on floor and was on top of the couch

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"Did you just scared your mommy away? Hmmm?"Bright cooed over the little chihuahua puppy in his arms and then looked at Win who still haven't touched his feet on floor and was on top of the couch.

"Come here Baby, she's a good girl. She won't scare you. Come on"Bright said and Win finally get down take a few steps to them.

The puppy looked so soft and Win wanted to touch it but what if it won't like it?

"Go on, touch her. She won't bite"Bright chuckled and Win hesitantly raised his hands.

 She won't bite"Bright chuckled and Win hesitantly raised his hands

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s if she was waiting for it the puppy leaned into Win's touch making both the men happy.

"She'll be our first baby and when I'm gone,now you'll be not alone"Bright said and looked at Win and Win smiled feeling loved.

"How old is she?" Win asked caressing the puppy.

"1 and half. What will you name our baby right here?"Bright asked curiously.

"Hmmmmm......how about........... Charlotte?"Win said and Bright's eye's shined.

"Charlotte. That's a good name honey"Bright handover the puppy to Win and pecked his forehead.

"Tonight is the flight. We'll have leave in 4hours. I'll go and washup,we can eat together and we'll visit our parents and then to airport.....hmmm?"Bright looked at Win who nodded sadly and Bright walked upstairs.

"Guess it'll be just two of us"Win sighed and looked at the puppy who snuggled closer in his arms making Win chuckle a bit.

He didn't forgot to click a picture of Charlotte and send it to Prim who is now excited to meet her in real.

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