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"Oh you're awake, here drink this soup , you must be having a headache" Tonhon helped Win to sit up and gave him the bowl of soup.

"You shouldn't have drink that much. You're not a good drinker, you know that?"Tonhon asked and chuckled.

"I- I haven't drink much, only when I'm with my friends"Win said and Tonhon shrugged.

"You remember anything happened last night?"Tonhon asked and Win looked at him confused and Tonhon explained him everything.

"Shit! I must have made him mad. How will I face him now?"Win groaned.

"B-but I don't think this will matter. He himself said me to stay away. So it shouldn't affect him"Win said again and Tonhon shook his head.

"Let's talk about it later. You should take a bath now, I'll prepare breakfast. Make it quick"Tonhon said and leave the room and closed the door behind.

He don't like me, he can't have a life he wish for with me..... because I'm s boy.....so this will not be a problem for him anyways.....I should stop worrying too much and wait for what life is holding for me.......

Win sighed and get down from Tonhon's bed.


"Doctor,when can I leave?"Prim asked and doctor smiled.

"You're fine to go today.....but If you want you can stay today and leave tomorrow,incase if you'll have some physical or mental disturbances"doctor said.

"I'm completely fine doctor"

"Fine fine, you can leave today. Come here after 1week, just for a checkup"doctor said and Prim smiled happily.

And the door opened with Win and Bright walked in. Bright waited for Win to arrive,so that Prim won't have doubts on them.

"Ah Mr.Bright, she can leave hospital today.....just have to take care and bring her here again for a checkup. Nothing else to worry. I'll leave now"doctor said and walked out when Bright thanked to him.

"Why didn't you two came earlier?" Prim asked and they both looked away.

"What happened?"Prim asked.

"We sleep a little late last night. Ah leave it. How are you know?"Bright sat next to him.

"I'm fine now. Did you talked with Parents?"

"Yeah we did..... Your father asked you to call him directly and he will tell it to you itself"Win said and Prim nodded.

"I'll call him once I reach my dorm"Prim said and Win took her hand.

"Are you sure about this Prim?"

"I am..... don't worry"Prim gave them both a reassuring smile.


"You can walk ahead. I'll get the bag"Jackson said and Prim walk ahead with Win while Bright started the engine.

"Where is Fong and Phuak?"Prim asked.

"Bright asked them to go back to their room. We'll be going back next week and Fong will go with us"Win said and she nodded.

He helped her to get in the passenger seat and Win entered backseat with Jackson and Miriam.


"Take good care of her"Bright said to Miriam who gave her double thumbs up.

Bright was driving but Win was on his phone chatting with a smile on his face.

"Why was you with that dumbass last night?"Bright asked.

"Dumbass? But I wasn't with you last night. I was with my friend, Tonhon"Win decided to play around and Bright glared at him.

"How dare you call me a dumbass?"

"Bro, I always call that my friends and sibling"Win shrugged and Bright was shocked.

"B-Bro? From when am I your bro?"he sounded angry.

"From last day? Yes, you said to see you as a friend or brother. Actually my friends are always around me trynna make me happy and not alone, so I can't count you as a friend. When it comes to my only sibling,my sister, she's married and away, so not everytime she's together with me and even when we were together we always annoyed each other and picked up a fight. So I counted you as my brother. Problem solved"Win shrugged and went back to chatting

"Can't you see we are talking? Who are you smiling and chatting with? It's not like you're going to die today. Use phone later" Bright glared at Win.

"I was chatting in the first place with Tonhon. It's not like I'm gonna die today. Talk later......bro"

"I-" Bright gritted his teeth and tightened his grip on the stearing.


At night they received a message from Prim saying that she got permission from parents to stay in America for completing studies.

That night after making sure Win is asleep Bright sneaked out to the balcony and called his friend 'Man'.

And his assumption was this question 'Bright,are you perhaps falling for him?'

In short this small question kept Bright away from sleeping thinking about his feelings.

'If you are falling for him, then make it quick or else you'll be losing him. You'll be a loser' his friends voice lingered to his mind.

"F*** this sh**"Bright cursed and pulled the duvet over his head covering his whole body.


Next morning Win woke up a little late and saw Bright sitting on the couch with dark circles under his eyes and sipping on his coffee.

"Looks like my brother didn't get enough sleep"Win smirked and Bright slammed and put the coffee cup on the table.

"Can you stop calling me brother. It's creepy. Just call me P'Bright"Bright rolled his eyes and Win smiled and went to take a pair of fresh clothes and towel.

"Sure P'Bright......."and then he walked to the bathroom and before closing the door he turned around.

".......my bro"Win winked and Bright pick up the newspaper and threw it on his direction,just missed Win closed the door and poor newspaper was on the floor. Bright hold his fist.

"That brat"he mumbled and walked up to get back the newspaper on the floor who was hurting.


"Order what you want to eat" Bright said and Win picked up the menu and both ordered food for themselves.

"We'll go shopping today. Be ready at 4"Bright said to which Win answered with a sure.

Win was getting a little uncomfortable because a girl from the opposite table was staring at Win trying to seduce him and Bright noticed this after a while. They were done eating and they both stood up and cleaned their hands and while coming back the girl was still staring at Win. Suddenly Bright grabbed Win's wrist and walked up to that table. And slammed his palm on the girls table making loud voice and including Win some flinched and the girl looked up at them.

"Excuse me miss,"Bright asked with a not so good smile and she was turning red.

"Let me remind you, staring and someone's partner is not a good idea. Especially when it's my wife, I'll not let you get away with that. Mind your own business"Bright said in a low dangerous voice and girl and her friends sat there with awkward expression and Bright pulled out Win with him after paying.

"Excuse me, what was that? You told me, don't consider you as my husband and what were you talking about back there?"Win crossed his arms and Bright licked his lips.

"In public you're still my wife and it's my want to protect my reputation. If someone catch you flirting with someone that me, they'll think it's my problem and as your husband I'm a failure"

"It is"Win mumbled.

"Did you said something?" Bright growled and Win gulped down and shook his head.

"Then get in the car"Bright ordered and Win mocked him before getting in the car.

2GETHER TILL THE END[BOOK-1]{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now