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"wake up~~~~"Win winned and shake Bright from his sleep. Win is now 4months and now his love for food just increased to a level Bright have to go out most of the time to get what his wife is craving for. But Bright isn't annoyed by this at all, in fact he was enjoying all of these beautiful and precious moments.

He take everything Win say to him. Sometimes Win get angry at Bright for no reason but he take it all knowing it's his hormones. Sometimes Win is just like a kid.

"What should I get for you?" Was the first question Bright asked to Win when he finally opened his eyes.

"I can't sleep"Win pouted and Bright sat up.

"Why can't my baby sleep? Come here"Bright opened his hands for Win to hug him but Win didn't.

"You don't want to cuddle? Then what should I do for you hun?"

"You know what to do" Win pouted more and bright chuckled and took the guitar he put aside of the bed since lately some nights Win wake up just to make his husband sing for him,only for him and their baby.

"Okay, I guess I will sing for you......hmmmm"Bright said and Win grinned widely making him look so damn cute. Win is a little more chubby now with cute cheeks, everytime he smile we can see his cheeks rounded and his eyes almost disappearind while smiling so brightly.

"How can I say no to my babies...."Bright pinched Win's cheek and started tuning his guitar.

Bright's voice hit Win and he stared at his husband in awe. His man looked so perfect in moonlight singing for him and playing his guitar.

Win closed his eyes and put his head on Bright's shoulder. 

Bright stopped singing when he heard soft snores and he smiled a little and noticed Win's sleeping position isn't a comfortable one.

He put aside his guitar and get a hold of Win's head and raised it up from his shoulder and put a pillow on the headrest and laid his head on it.

He get down the bed to get Win in a comfortable sleeping position and sighed before stroking the younger's hair. Kissed his forehead before getting back to his sleeping position while hugging win from behind.


"Is this how you submit a report? I asked you for a complete report not half completed"Prim sighed stressfully seeing how irresponsible the staffs are getting. Mark watched her while silently chuckling. Prim and Tonhon is getting better in the position they are being trusted with. Well, Prim is three steps ahead of Tonhon but they aren't ashamed to ask for help.

Prim was just like Bright in work, maybe a bit more strict. But they both knew how to manage things, she is getting better with Bright's help.

"How much more time do you need to complete this?" She asked to the boy in front of him.

"3hours, please?"

She flipped through it and the time he asked was too much to complete it.

"Fine you can take 1and half hour. No more talks or with every words you talk your salary will be reducing. Your time start now"She said and give him back his report and he rushed back.

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