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Brightwin were together buying clothes for them in the mall. They are going home in a few days and they decided to buy some gifts for their parents too.

Win stared at a shirt.

"This would look great on P'Bright. I should ask him to try this on"Win said to himself and turned to look for his man. Seeing he's not there anymore.

"Where did he went?"Win walked around and saw a girl leaning onto a figure which looked like his husband and they were taking selfies.

Win gritted his teeth.

"This man....."

She was about to lean in and place a peck on his cheeks when a power pull him away from causing her to fall on her knees and Win fake gasped and smirked at the girl who looked at him angrily.

"Oops,that must hurt. Well, that's what you get for flirting with someone's husband. Especially when it's my husband, I'll not let you get away with that"Win said with extra expression and bright was trying to hold back his smile.

"You two are-"Win completed the sentence for her.

"Married. Now let's go baby"Win coiled his arms around the elders and pulled him away from there.

"Excuse me, what was-"And win cut in

"In public you're still my husband and if you go around flirting with those girls the blame will go to me. They'll only say as your wife I'm a failure"Win said and Bright was about to open his mouth when Win again cut in.

"Now don't try saying 'it is' because it'll be copying the whole situation from the restaurant. Now there go and try on that shirt"Win pushed him and Bright was wondering how Win changed, just like yesterday he was shy and a obedient wife trying to please his husband and in a blink of eyes he's like this now.

They got dresses for their parents and some other gifts and brought themselves some things too. Now on their way back home they drop by a hotel to eat before going back to their hotel room to sleep.


After 5days


Miriam woke up and walk to bathroom and unfortunately she looked up to meet with a creature with a messy nest on head and some weird things on the body.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-oOH WAIT-"she said and looked at the figure once again carefully.

"WTH MIRIAM?"Prim appeared at the door and Miriam smiled sheepishly.

"Oh- that was just me"

"This is why I tell you should stop eating snacks while laying on the bed trying to sleep. When will I have to hear my friend died from ant's attack"Prim teased and Miriam rolled her eyes.

"That's stupid"

"Well, I'm surprised Miriam"


"You wake up every morning seeing this same weird look of yours but you still scream loud"she smirked and the door bell rang.

"Haha that was funny, now go get the door"Miriam said and Prim walked off with a smile.

She opened the door and saw it was Fong and smiled.

"Hi,good morning"she smiled and he forced back a smile.

"Good morning"

"Come inside"she invited.

"Ummmm no actually I'm going back tomorrow night"Fong said leaving Prim speechless and she stared at him before laughing awkwardly.

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