Chapter 05

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Meliodas and Basara looked back and saw a boy standing behind them.
??: Nice to meet you both. Im Yahiro.
Meliodas: *thoughts* His a demon, I’m gonna have to keep my eye on him.
After meeting Yahiro, he took the two of them up to the rooftop to have lunch.
Yahiro: I understand how you both feel. I moved into this area last year myself.
Basara: The way the guys in the class are looking at us isn’t normal…
Yahiro: Yeah, you’ve made enemies of the entire school, not just the class.
Meliodas: Meh, im not really bothered by it.
Yahiro: Your surprisely calm.
Meliodas: Why should I let it bother me, if they have a problem with me then they either say it to my face and fight me.
Basara: I don’t think that a good idea otouto.
Yahiro: Well, princess Mio, princess Rin, lady Sakura and princess Yuki, are the 4 idols of our school, so you’re both quite the conquerors, tripping flags for all of them.
Basara: Princess?
Meliodas: Why are they called that?
Yahiro: The envy of a man runs deeper than a woman’s surprisingly.
Basara: So, have there been problem before?

Yahiro: Nope. If anyone tried to get a step ahead, the rest of their fan wouldn’t stay quiet.
Meliodas: So they’re all keeping their eyes on each other?
Yahiro: Exactly.
Meliodas: *thoughts* I guess the people after Mio couldn’t infiltrate the school and make any bold moves.
Basara: So isn’t it bad for you to be associating with us then?
Yahiro: Don’t worry about it. If it comes down to it, I’ll offer you both up and run.
Meliodas: How dependable.
Yahiro: it’s pretty incredible that you’ve both set flags with the two pretty girls. It seems like fun to hang out with people who have that kind of luck, or other such powers.
Basara: You’re overestimating us. Unfortunately.
It’s the end of the day and Meliodas, Basara and Mio are walking together and Mio has an annoyed look on her face.
Mio: Why are you both following me?
Meliodas: Because we’re going home.
Maria: Hey, Mio!
The three of them then walked up to Maria.
Maria: Well done on your hard work.
Mio didn’t say anything and walked past Maria and she looked at her confused.
Basara: Isn’t that phrasing a bit off?
Maria: Meliodas, Basara…
Meliodas: Hmm?
Maria: She seems as though she’s in a really foul mood.
Basara: Well, a lot happened…
Maria: Oh. That is no good you have to use protection.
Meliodas: *chibi form and smirks* Shes right you know.

 Meliodas: *chibi form and smirks* Shes right you know

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Basara: Hey!

Meliodas and Basara looked at a blushing Mio and walked up to her.
Mio: What?
Basara: Look, about, Yuki, Rin and Sakura.
Rin: Meliodas, Basara.
The four of them looked back and saw Yuki, Rin and Sakura standing there.
Meliodas: Hey girls.
Sakura: We would like to talk with you and Basara in private.
Currently, Meliodas, Basara, Yuki, Rin and Sakura had went to a cafe and Basara, Sakura and Rin were on one side and Meliodas was sitting next to Yuki.
Meliodas: Oh yeah before we begin here. *holds out 3 panties*
Rin/Sakura/Yuki: *blushing* EEEEEP!!!! When did you take them? 
Meliodas: When we were walking to this cafe.
Meliodas: Um, so why are you sitting so close to me Yuki?
Yuki: Because I don’t want other people hearing us.
Yuki then pressed her chest up against Meliodas arm which cause him to gain a light blush.
Rin: hey watch where you put chest missy!
Sakura: Yeah quite hogging him for yourself it no fair.
Basara: *sighs* Can you please tell us what going on.
Yuki: Right, first I would like to thank you both for coming.
Basara: No problem.
Meliodas: It been 5 years huh? You 3 have definitely changed, and gotten even more cuter and beautiful.
The girls blush
Sakura/Yuki: *blush* Thank you Meliodas.
Rin:*blushing* You don’t need to tell me that Baka.
Meliodas: Your still the same tsundere I remember neh Rin. *giggles*
Yuki: I see you still the same. You use to squeeze us back whenever we hugged you.
Basara: Yeah that he did.
Sakura: You often used it as a chance to touch our butt.
Meliodas: What can I say I did love them. *giggles*
Rin, Yuki and Sakura looked at Meliodas and Basara.
Rin: *serious* Meliodas, Basara. Don’t involve yourself with Mio Naruse any futher.
Meliodas and Basara both looked at the girls confused.
Meliodas and Basara: Huh?
No one pov
Both Meliodas and Basara continued to look at Yuki, Rin and Sakura confused from what Rin said.
Meliodas: *Narrow eyes* What did you say?
Sakura: Please stop involving yourselves with Mio Naruse any further.
Basara: She’s a mid S rank surveillance target, right?
Yuki: So you knew?
Meliodas: So you’re the one, huh? The ones the village assigned to observe her. We’ve heard the gist from it from dad.
Sakura: Then why? You all will be caught be up in this.
Basara: Mio’s parents were murdered by those plotting against her, and now they’re after her as well. She’s innocent.
Meliodas: So what besides we’re already involved and we made a vow to protect her, from the demons and from the village if they chose to kill her.
Rin: Are you saying you willing to kill us and the people in the village?
Meliodas: No, not you 5, but the rest I will kill. Mio is our younger sister and was placed in our care.
Sakura: *tears up* You cant be serious Meliodas?!
Meliodas: You 10 know about who I was back in my previous life and still accepted me for who I was, to which I am grateful for, I hold you 5 closet to my heart, if anything were to happen to any of you I don’t know what I do.
The girls were blushing, but also shocked for how much they meant to Meliodas.
Suddenly, they heard a cup fall and saw Mio and Maria had followed them and Mio had walked out with Maria behind her.
Basara: Mio?
Meliodas: Go. I’ll finish up here.
Basara then nodded and walked out of the cafe and meliodas looked at the three of them.
Meliodas: I understand all your concerns. Since due to the fact the villagers couldn’t handle my true side 5 years ago…
Sakura, Rin and Yuki clenched their hands tightly.
Sakura: That’s not it…that wasn’t your fault…you were…
Meliodas: What I’ve done cannot be change or change the minds of the villagers.
The 3 girls looked down
Rin: That’s not true at all…no matter what anyone else says, you’re the one who saved us…
Yuki: Rin right even if it meant showing them your dark side, you still saved us.
Meliodas then looked at the 3 girls and saw them tearing up, so he wipes their tears away and held their hands to calm them.
Meliodas: Thank you. I appriate it and am grateful, you 3 still care about me. But Mio…she’s not like me. She’s trying to face her past and live as best she can. She’s trying to fight. And I admire that. That’s why I want to protect her, and I know Basara feel the same way.
After talking with Rin, Sakura and Yuki, Meliodas had brought a cake to take home for everyone and the two of them walked out together.
Meliodas: Hopefully this cheers her up.
Meliodas then looked at Yuki, Rin and Sakura as they looked at him.
Meliodas: Hm? What’s wrong.
Rin: That’s not good enough.
Sakura: We can’t imagine you and Basara alone will be able to defeat the demons after Mio Naruse.
Meliodas: Aww come do you know who you’re talking to?
Yuki: But…
Meliodas: Anyway, we don’t intend on involving any of you or the village in our fight. Oh and by the way.
Meliodas used flash stepped

Meliodas: You might wanna keep your guard up

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Meliodas: You might wanna keep your guard up. *smiles*

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