Chapter 3

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Back again! Hope u enjoy the chapter. Some people have said my paragraphs r too long so imma try and fix 'em!


I knew I probably shouldn't have snapped at him but I really couldn't handle any more favours. It made me feel like I owed him something, I didn't like the feeling.

Their was an awkward silence and we both avoided looking at each other. I saw Sarah getting out of her car across the road and after awkwardly waving at her, I walked away. I could usually make it to school even if I was this late but even though I was trying not to show it in case Mr-do-good decided he needed to help me again, my leg really hurt. I was trying, but probably failing.  

Limping along, I sighed in frustration. I had wanted to keep a perfect attendance record this year and it felt wierd to fail after coming so far. I knew I had Chemistry in the morning and even though the teacher was nice enough because of my capability for the subject, I knew she detested tardiness. After walking about a kilometre of the way, I realised I was being followed.

"Okay, you don't really come off as the creepy stalker type but following me isn't really helping"

He stared at me for a moment before he burst out laughing. I was immediatly annoyed and after placing my hands on my hips in a threatening fashion I looked up to glare at him. After seeing the expression I had on my face he just laughed even harder. Knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere with him - honestly, my glares were known to be scary but it just didn't seem to effect him - I huffed and turned around.

I was going to strut away but before I had the chance I felt a hand grip my wrist and once again I cringed. Honestly, what is with this guy? Obviously dismissing my uncomfort he looped a hand around my waist. I glared at him with a defiant look in my eye but all I saw was humour in his.

"As pretty as you are, I'm not really fond of stalking girls. Actually I was just on my way to school but I wasn't aware of the fact that walking down the same road as you counted as stalker behaviour. Next time, give a guy some warning." he winked and smiled and walked away while I was left glaring at his back ."The names Eric by the way, keep it mind", I heard him shout while turning around again. Angry that he had gotten the last word in, I promised myself I would come up with something later. Right now, my mind was too frazzled up to be of any good.

I arrived at school exactly half an hour late. Knowing there was no point of going to Chemistry now, I walked over to my locker and took some spare contacts out. I know I didn't really need them but it was too confusing to explain to people why my eyes were suddenly a different colour. After putting them on I took out a paracetomol and washed it down with some water. If I was going to get through the day, I would seriously need it. Especially if I wanted to make it through the English lit test I had next.

By the time I walked over to my lit class the bell had already rung for second period. The paracetomol was doing nothing to help. The teacher, Ms. Jordan, was somewhere in her mid thirties and had a permanent smile stamped on her face. I was a big fan of the whole 'don't judge a book by it's cover' though. She had made it evident from the first day that I had absolutely no imagination or talent in writing. When your whole life is a horror movie turned real, there's no room for imagination.

Somehow I managed to get through the rest of the day. My only two friends were waiting patiently by my locker. There's a story behind that as well, but lets save it for another day.

"hey what's up?"

"What happened this morning? Why were you late?" asked Emma. She was more curious than worried. Her Dad was a lawyer and he only wanted her to hang around friends who would be a good influence on her. With my straight A's and way to charm most adults in one conversation, I qualified.

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