Chapter 17

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A loud laugh escaped my lips. It was a sound I wasn't very used to hearing. But at least I had my reasons.

Giggling like a little girl I rolled around in the grass while trying not to swallow any grass. "S-stop...haha! Or...y-you shall DIE!" I struggled to speak while I was being tickled furiously, and at the last bit I took a big pile of grass and threw it at Eric's face.

"Never!" he shouted, refusing to give up. I threw some more grass at him and took the distraction as a chance to run away. Needless to say he was much taller than me and easily caught up. He was trying to tickle me again. I decided it was about time he got a taste of his own medicine.

"Hey! That's not fair, you're not even ticklish" I shouted at him. We started getting weird looks from people, but honestly I couldn't care less. It felt good too, I realised that I cared too much about what other people thought of me, and I needed to stop. Being here with Eric helped.

"OH FU-" I stopped myself as I saw a four year old girl passing by, "-udge cakes. I'm late!"

"Where do you need to go?" asked Eric, his smile dimming a bit.

"The studio, remember Peter told us we had to come today to discuss some of my songs with my producer". My eyes widened as I realised the full meaning of what I just said. "Oh my God! I'm getting a producer".

Eric laughed as I squealed and jumped up and down. "Come on, let's go!". He ran along with me to the studio. Thankfully I wasn't late or anything but I wanted to be as early as possible. After all, I still wasn't quite sure how secure this deal was. I had come over a few days ago to sign a massive contract. Peter went over the basics but because I didn't have a lawyer or anything and I didn't want to sign something I wasn't sure about, I made sure I read all 94 pages. Needless to say it took quite a while but it was worth it.

At least now I knew what I was getting myself into...kind of.

When we got there Eric was breathless, but I was full of adrenalin. I quickly straightened my clothes and untangled my hair. Then, as calmly as I could, I walked inside.

The whole building was modern and new. With glass doors and clean marble floors. I suppose it was nice but it was also kind of intimidating. I was nervously tapping my foot when Peter came out. I immediately stood up to shake his outstretched hand enthusiastically. I suppose it did seen a bit weird considering usually I was either horribly depressed (or seemed like it anyway) or calm and collected. I was probably bi-polar.

There was one thing I was really looking forward too: meeting my producer. The only thing I knew about the person was that it was a guy and that apparently he wasn't that experienced. That probably should have been a bad thing but because I was so new to the whole thing myself Peter didn't quite know how much of a success I was going to be; in other words, how much money I was going to make him.

There was no point fooling myself with thinking that Peter had a great love or music and that's why he hired me. Most likely it was just to make lots of money to annoy the crap out of his father, I might be oblivious at times but I wasn't completely ignorant.

I mean, it was on the news enough for me to know that apparently he and his father had a major row over something, and now to prove a point, Peter had gone and started his own music company. And while SilverSun records were nowhere near as established as TopOfTheChArts yet, the company was steadily growing and already had several branches across Ireland.

The smile didn't leave my face once as Peter led me through several studios, pointing out where everything was while I desperately tried to remember. Hopefully I would be spending lots of time here and would get to familiarise myself with everything.

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