Chapter 9

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Woo! thx for the reads ppl:)

The weird thing is that I don't have a problem with votes or comments. So... for this chapter I'm only gonna ask u to READ, READ AND RECOMMEND <3 

Oh and I put some of the cast up as well:) 

Shouting. Shaking. Crying.

Unheard words. Unfinished sentences. Unanswerable questions.

I stood there.

I just stood there. No tears. No emotions.

I just freakin' STOOD THERE!

Red hot anger boiled inside me. No matter how many years had gone by, no matter how impossible it seemed, I had always secretly believed my dad would come back for me. I had always believed he would save me from this hell hole.

But no. He had to go and FREAKIN' DIE! I hated him for it. I hated him for leaving me here, all alone.

A part of me knew I was being irrational and unfair but that part of me was too small to be heard. At least not now. I felt arms around me but took no notice of them. Instead, shoving them off me, I ran. Just like he had run away from me, away from life.

I ran for what felt like hours, but in truth in must have been mere minutes. But that didn't matter now. I was about to cross the road but too late saw the traffic coming from both sides. I stood there frozen to the spot. Literally a deer in headlights. I don't know why but I closed my eyes at the last moment, I wasn't able to bear looking death on full in the face. 

I was weak even in my last minutes.

I saw bright lights behind my eyelids. They weren't the lights of heaven you see after you die though, just the headlights, so bright they even stung with my eyes closed. Or was that the tears?

I had no sense of comprehension anymore, just about the time I predicted I was going to be hit, I felt a whooshing sound. It hurt more than I thought it would have. I could feel bruises all across back and shoulders and I'm pretty sure there were some nasty cuts on my legs. 

Wait a second. Wouldn't I be completely pulverised if I was hit by a car at 80k/h? It all seemed wrong somehow. I was just about to open my eyes (I still had eyes?) when I was rolled over and something hard landed on top of me. 

Eric. I didn't even register my pain anymore, I was lucky to be alive. Somehow Eric had pushed me out of the way, and freakin' hell was I grateful.

We had rolled into a ditch but luckily there was no nettles, just long grass and some leaves. Realising the position we were in Eric rolled off me and knelt beside me with a worried expression.

This next part is embarrassing enough to tell, but I will anyway. As soon as Eric started to speak, I burst out crying. I cried for the loss of a Father; I cried because of my near-death experience; I cried just for the hell of it.


Crap! That had been way too close. As soon as she had ran, I took off behind her but man was she fast. She had just turned a corner when I had put my hands on my knees and gasped for breath. I got a strange feeling though and with my mind determined, I had ran. 

And there she was. Running out in the middle of the road without a thought. For a second, I thought she wanted to die, but as soon as I saw her shocked expression, I knew I was wrong.

This propelled me forwards even faster. My feet didn't seem to be touching the ground as I flew across the grass. For a second I thought I was too late. That she would die before my eyes; crushed by the truck that was heading her way. But just in time, I knocked her out of the way. It was the best feeling of my life.

I realised that we were still in the middle of the road, and pushed her so that we both landed in a ditch. I landed on top of her and blushed as I moved. Hopefully she didn't notice.

My heart was racing as I looked at her. I don't know why but I knew if that if she had died there a part of me would have as well. Even with her dishevelled hair and torn cloths, she looked beautiful to me, as always.

And then she burst into tears.

Okay, let's just say that a girl crying was my weakness. I couldn't handle it! It made me feel helpless and I knew you just had to wait it out. I tried to be comforting and placed my arm around her but it didn't help at all.

She finally looked up at me with tear struck eyes. Somehow her eyes seemed even bigger than before, if that was even possible. She looked down as if not wanting me to see her like this and I found that cute as well. 

She blushed and I knew she was embarrassed to be seen crying. Then, as if she hadn't seen enough for one day, she got up and ran.

When will this girl stop running away from me I thought, while I took off behind her.

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