Chapter 11

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Thx LOADS to everyone reading this:) I got ten reads in less than a day on my last chapter so I got really excited and decided to post another chapter. That's two in two days so u better be grateful:) 

Also I'm thinking about starting another book about an assassin who's looking for her twin so tell me if you would be interested in reading something like that:) 

After what seemed like a lifetime of silence I said the words that could change my life forever.


The rest of the day flew by. I heard words of congratulation and papers were thrust into my hands to be signed but all the time one question wouldn't stop haunting me. Was I doing the right thing?

After I had finished all the paperwork and promised to come back tomorrow, I set on my way to the bar. It felt nice to have somewhere familiar to go to after I had just been through something that could change my life. 

I considered singing my own songs, after all if the owner of a well-known record company liked it, so would they. But something stopped me, so it was another night of singing emotionless songs while I inwardly cringed.

At exactly 8 o' clock I grabbed my things and rushed towards the back door, eager to meet fresh air - even if it stunk of rubbish and whatever else you find in an alley. As soon as I stepped outside, however, a hand grasped my shoulder and painfully pushed me against the wall.

No moonlight reached this place and the streetlights had long ago died. All that I had to identify my attacker was a strong smell of alcohol. Definetely not much. And definetely not good.

A hand over my mouth stopped me from screaming but I wasn't stupid. I knew a sixteen year-old girl walking home everyday at night would be a target, so as always I had a knife in my back pocket. But my attacker seemed to know this and kept my hands well away from my pocket. I didn't know how they knew, after all I had only told one person about it...

( One year ago )

I sat on the swing, silently watching the sunset. Gold and red lit up the world making everything burst into colour. I knew it would be over in a few minutes, leaving the world in darkness until the next day.

I heard footsteps behind me but didn't look back. I knew too well who it would be. 

" Can't you just leave me alone?" my voice fell on deaf ears and I knew there was no use saying them. What Connor Grany wants, Connor Grany gets.

And Connor Grany wanted me.

It was hard enough to believe, after all he had left my heart broken just under a year ago. I had moved on as well, but he had to come bursting back in my life. Bringing back old memories.

I felt him sit down next to me, but my head was turned so I couldn't see. "Won't you forgive me?" I felt his breath in my ear and despite everything I couldn't deny it made my heart race.

I tried to keep my voice steady and finally looking him in the eye said, " You know what they say...fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"

There was an evil glint in his eye and I finally realised how close we were sitting. I fidgeted in my seat but I only ended up sitting closer. He knew how uncomfortable I was so instead of annoying me further, he got up. 

Connor for once trying NOT to annoy me? This got my attention.

I looked up at him and couldn't stop myself from thinking how gorgeous his eyes looked. The pale grey reflected the gold light perfectly until his eyes seemed to shine. 

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