Chapter 20

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dedicated @BVBCat6 for being the first person to wish me happy birthday:):):)

Turns out that having Jack as a fan has more benefits than I thought it would. Firstly, he had an amazing taste in music, so I had no trouble asking him if my songs were good or not. Secondly, despite his crush on me he gave an honest opinion, and didn’t censor himself at all. Seriously, not at all – although sometimes I really wondered if that was a good thing or not.

The best bit would have to be that he invited seven or eight of his friends over to listen to a new song I had been working on. It was probably one of the best ones I have ever written but I have to admit it would never have gotten as good as it was without the help of Jack.

So here I was, sitting on my bed with a bunch of teenage boys surrounding me. Some of them might have looked street tough with their close cropped hair and hoodies but they were all actually really sweet. I felt really comfortable around them all and I couldn’t help laughing at their antics!

I didn’t feel embarrassed about where I lived, how expensive my clothes were or how good I looked. These were all kids who had had to go through the same things I did while growing up, and while neglect and living in a bad area might have toughened them on the outside, on the inside they were still little kids.

I started playing the chords of the songs, the upbeat tempo automatically pleasing the hyperactive boys and smiled as I watched them listen eagerly and give me thumbs ups.

I didn’t need big arenas or a stage, playing in front of these boys was all I needed.

‘You’ve been a great crowd here tonight so I want you to take it from here!” I shouted into a pretend microphone, and then paused for a second before repeating the chords to the chorus as I belted out the lyrics along with them.

I heard the door open behind me and there was only one person besides me with the key to this place and I didn’t want to ruin my good mood by interacting with them so I just ignored them.

Whether she deserved it or not, seeing her face still put me in a bad mood.

*          *          *


Seeing her sitting on her bed with a guitar in her lap and a smile on her face brought one to mine as well. I had accepted the fact that I really liked her long ago, abut I had also accepted that whether or not she liked me the way I liked her, I would always be here for her as a best friend.

I had avoided run-ins with Connor and his friends for as long as I could but there was no avoiding it Friday night. I’m pretty sure I got off easy as I had no broken bones or injuries this time and I had hoped they’d forgotten about me but it was too much to ask, I guess.

Nothing really happened, but there was definitely something about the tension in the air that told me this is not the last I’ve heard of Connor – after all there was a reason he was respected, if not feared, amongst boys.

I suppose he was just distracted by something – or someone – else. But after that day a few weeks ago when I saw him and Jade on the beach, I was really hoping it had nothing to do with her. I don’t know what had happened or hadn’t happened between them but seeing the way she had looked at him it definitely wasn’t something good.

“Who’s he?” a boy pointed at me. I was about to say something when the boy repeated the question, this time making sure Jade was listening and obviously directing the question at her.

“I’m Eric”

“He’s Eric” we both spoke at the same time, making each other smile. “Bienvenue sur mon palais!” she said, irony obvious In her voice. I didn’t speak French but I had studied it for a few months in primary school so I knew it meant something like ‘Welcome to my palace’.

Looking around, I knew this wasn’t much of a palace, but I knew Jade wouldn’t like me feeling sorry for her – it would hurt her pride too much – so I didn’t. She looked happy enough right now and that’s what matters, right?

After Jade had greeted me the suspicious look on the boys’ faces had gone and instead they focused on Jade again. A few looked shy and stood a bit back from the other but most of them had no problem shouting requests at Jade to sing again.

I was interested as well. From the little Jade told me about herself, I knew that she worked in a bar singing. Technically I knew that should be illegal since she was under 18 but she wasn’t allowed to drink and Paul – the bartender and owner – vouched for her and anyway, the laws weren’t that strict around here.

But being seventeen, I wasn’t allowed there either. I suppose I could have gotten in If I wanted to and tried enough but I had never really been interested in that type of stuff. Call me a geek or whatever but I wanted a good future for myself, rather than make mistakes I would have to pay for in the long run.

‘“Do you want to listen, Eric?’ her question brought me out of my thoughts and I remembered why I came here in the first place. But that could wait…at least enough time for a song.

I gave her a smile and said, “of course! I never did get to hear you sing. Let’s see if you’re any good.” I winked. A smile lit up her face again and all I wanted to do was smile with her; so I did.

She definetly wasn’t doing the same song as before. This one was slower, more carefully sung with more meaningful lyrics, But the song was uplifting as well, with a  hopeful tone. I just wanted to sit here and listen to that voice all day. It was smooth and clear with just the hints of raspiness – which I knew was caused by the fire but it just added to the uniqueness of her voice.

It just couldn’t get any better.

The moment couldn’t get any more perfect.

Maybe in my head when I had planned this I wasn’t imagining a group of kids surrounding us, or sitting in a small cramped apartment, or rushing it out. But there was no denying that I wouldn’t get a better moment than this.

“Happy Birthday Jade.”  I finally said. My voice was quiet but I knew she heard it. I knew she knew how much I cared for her. And I loved the surprise on her face as I unveiled the flowers that were behind my back and when I walked outside and brought a big box inside.

I didn’t know if she would like it but I was pretty sure she would. I know most boys got necklaces or earrings for their best friends but as soon as I saw this all I thought about was her.

Excitement was as obvious on her face as it is on a child’s face when they run downstairs on Christmas morning, and she let out a loud giggle, surprising me too.

The boys crowded behind her but she didn’t mind at all, some of them looked as excited as Jade herself. There was nothing elegant about it, unlike with a guitar where her fingers flew across the strings, creating something amazing, she got wrapping paper everywhere.

She was like a viscous creature attacking something but I would have her no other way.

As she picked up the massive fluffy penguin and hugged it I tackled her as soon enough there was a huge group hug/pile-up between us. People from apartments around were surprised, they weren't used to hearing laughter around here. I mean what was there to laugh about? 

But for now, there was. So we did laugh, so we did smile.


This was the best day of my life. Maybe if I thought back hard enough, I might have found a day where I was as happy as I am today but I didn’t think, and because of that I was happy.

I was doing my favourite thing in the world: playing music and the best thing was that I knew they liked it. And not only that but I had received the best present in existence: A freakin’ penguin!

I loved Eric so much right now.

asdfghjkl. Whoa! Chapter 20, I mean this time last year I only ever dreamed of getting this far .All of my amazing readers and voters and especially commenters I love you all so soooo much! 

And yay! It's my birthday today, as you can tell, I share the same birthday as Jade ;P

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2013 ⏰

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