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"Oh what, Hey" I stumble on my words as he stands there dressed in Black Tracksuit bottoms and a Pink Young Goats Hoodie. He looks so Good. He smiles.

"Is stumbling your thing then?"

"It seems to be yeah"

"I thought I'd wait for you, Bea told me your house number last night. I brought you home"
"Well that makes sense, I wondered how I got from Jason's to my Bed" I joke
"Your Mum helped me carry you upstairs"

"Hero, I really am sorry I got so drunk, I've never really drank alcohol like that before"

"Really don't worry about it, listen... do you want to do something later? I mean, you don't have to. I don't want to be presumptuous."

"I'd like that, thankyou, yes" Grinning like the Cheshire Cat again.

"Cool" he blushes "I'll Pick you up at 1700 hours" He sees that I look confused "5PM" and walks off.

What the hell just happened? I ask myself all the way to college. I get there and Bea still hasn't arrived so I take my self to the bathroom. I can't help thinking that this is some kind of joke, I mean who would date me? I've never even kissed a boy let alone go on a date with one, especially One as good looking as Hero. I look in the mirror. Dressed in torn black skinny jeans, Guns N Roses fitted T-shirt, short crazy dead bleached hair and my calf length Camel coat. I guess I don't look to bad, not to slim but not over weight either. I have curves. trying to convince myself I'm dateable "Hmmmm?"

I quickly go outside to see if Bea has arrived yet, she's playing on her phone "Hey you" making her jump.

"What happened, tell me everything?"

"What do you mean?" I look at her puzzled

"Hero, dropped you home last night and didn't come back to the party"

"Ooooh, nothing happend last night but..." Smiling "He was waiting by my gate this morning"

"Yeeees, annnnd?"

"He asked me out later, he's picking me up at Five"

"He didn't say where he's taking you?

"Nope" Reaching class now

"I wonder where you're going, you need to know what to wear, I'll text him"

Mouthing to her self as she texts - H girl needs to know what to wear later, where are you taking her, don't keep us hanging B x

"I'm so chuffed, In all this time I've known him I've never seen him with a girlfriend, I mean not one, that's what shocked" As she nudges me excitedly.

English drags, I can't concentrate. Beas phone blasts out Olly Murs Dance with me tonight "Oh crap sorry" pulling a face I can't help but laugh out loud "It's Hero" she whispers Showing me the text - Tell her to wear what ever is comfortble H x

"That's okay I don't do fancy dress up" waving my arms over myself emphasising what I'm wearing laughing "Come over after and help me get ready?" I plead with her.

"Of course" She sequels

"I need to do something with this hair" running my hands through it.

"Why don't we dye it a different colour?"

"Hmmm? I'm not sure, it's dead already, what colour are you thinking?"

"Black or Pink?"

"Black would make me look like a corpse, I'll go with Pink if it's not bright, it'll have to be pastel"

We stop at our now local café Brickwood for a cuppa and a bite to eat, then to buy the hairdye and rush back to mine.

"Mum I'm out at Five I have a date"

"What, hey, a date, with who?"

"You'll see him later he's picking me up"

"I'm Pleased your Dad is working late, I'm not sure he's prepared for this" Mum jokes "Off you get ready then" Shooing us upstairs.

"What do I wear, I've never been on a date before?"

"He said be comfortable, so I guess, nice Jeans and Top, but hair first"

Dye quickly goes on and we spend the next Thirty minutes trying different jean and top combinations. my room is now a pigsty of jumbled clothes. We rinse my hair and then onto my makeup.

We finally settle on my new Black skinnies and white fitted T-shirt, My trusty Doc Martins and my new Ankle length chunky knit cardigan. Playing with mt new Pink hair "I love it. Thanks Bea"

"You're welcome" she bows, and we collapse in a fit of giggles. "it's Ten to Five, get your boots on"

Their is a knock at the door "He's early" quickly tying my laces. We can hear talking, listening. "I hope she isn't giving him the Third degree" Then I hear Dad come through the door "Crap, Dads home early" We rush to the landing.

"Who's this?"

"Jake this is Hero, Alice is off out on a date"

"Date?" I can see him trying to process the idea

"Hello sir, nice to meet you" Hero holds out his hand

"Jake, please, we're not formal here" Taking the offered hand, then I see his head tilt like he's thinking about something.

We run down the stairs to save Hero.

"You've dyed your hair again, it's going to fall out soon at this rate"

"You like?"

"It's different"

Hero looks at me eyes light up "I love it, you look beautiful"

Wow where did that come from? "Thankyou" Thankful for Beas makeup, I'm all of a sudden feeling very warm.

"So... Where are you Two off to?" Mum asks. Dad is looking uncomfortable.

"I thought we'd go to Doorstep Green for a picnic"

"I'd love that" I'm happy, Bea was talking like I would be doing a Ten mile trek

"Good because I have a full hamper in my Car" He laughs walking to the door opens it "Ladies first" He gestors

"Why thank you kind sir"

"Have fun" Mum and Bea shout

"I want every detail tomorrow" Shouts Bea

"I'm not sure we should allow this" I hear Dad say as I shut the car door.

Hero Where stories live. Discover now