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I'm interrupted from my fantasy by my phone ringing "For fuck sake"

"Get rid of them" Snaps Sammi

Leaning over to grab my phone I see it's Alice "Are you alright?"

"Tell them to piss off we're busy!"

"Fuck off will you!" Sammi is really getting on my last nerve, I should never have called her.

"Who's that?" Alice asks sheepishly.

"It's okay Babe, just someone who doesn't know when she's outstayed her welcome"

"Alright. Can we talk tomorrow?" She seems to have accepted my excuse.

"Of curse we can, I miss you" I'm going to be nothing but honest with her from now one, she really is my Angel.

"brilliant, can we go to the Heath again?"

"I would love that, should I pick you up at 3 o'clock?

"Thankyou, can't wait to see you" She whispers and hangs up.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I demand of Sammi

"We were busy and the SHE interrupts us" Trying to climb back on top of me.

"So!" You're not my girl you're nothing but a fuckbuddy"

"You don't mean that"

"Look... just fuck off, I asked you to leave last night"

"What? you weren't complaining an hour ago"

"An hour ago, I didn't think my Girl would give me another chance, now piss off"

"Fine, don't think about calling me again. Dropping me as soon as you meet HER" She spits with venom "We'll see about that! I wont go quietly" Slamming the door behind her.

Right... I need to get a picnic together. I need to show her how I really feel.


Bea and Josie are here and have just made me arrange a date with Hero tomorrow. I know he likes me, I just need to make him see how his mood changes hurt me. I know it's the right thing to do.

The next day Bea and Josie leave after helping me get ready for my date. I really needed last night, can't beat a bit of girlie fun to cheer you up.

Hero knocks on the door dead on 3 o'clock "See you later mum"

"Have fun sweet heart" she shouts

As I open the door Hero is standing there, looking nervous. Anxious Green Eyes with his hair flopping down his face. Dressed in a grey Young Goats hoodie, black fitted Jeans and white trainers.

"Hi" he says shyly "You look great"

"Thankyou, so do you. To be honest I've not seen you in anything that doesn't make you look hot" Me and my lack of filtering system

"Thanks" he coughs

In the car he puts the radio on to drown out the silence "Thanks for calling so soon, I'm not sure I could have waited for much longer, before I would have called you"

"It hasn't even been a day" I chuckle.

"I know"

"I knew straight away I'd be calling you back, I'll always come back to you" I can feel the heat rise up to my face "We need to talk properly now the shock has gone"

"Sure, of course" He grabs my hand squeezing it, smiling. He has the cutest dimply smile.

Hero pulls up outside Kenwood House again. I love that house, wouldn't mind taking a look inside one day. "My parents were friends with David William the 3rd Earl of Mansfield, but thought, after what happened to me that we better keep our heads down and stay off the scene for a while. Let's go and sit by the Lake" pulling the hamper out of the boot.

"So you were a regular visitor here then, back in the day?" I'm loving this new information

"We were, Mum was close to the Earls wife Frederica, I'll show you around soon, the real tour"

"I'd love that. This lake is so beautiful"

Hero holds my hand as we approach the lake "Just like you"

Laying out the blanket and delights of the feast he has brought us, he surprises me by bringing up the subject I was worried about approaching him.

"I know I said this last time but, I am sorry about my mood changes. I need you to really understand that it was only because I was worried about hurting you. I didn't think about the fact that I was hurting your heart. I'm so drawn to you that every time I was near you my chest would burn like fire, I find that so hard to control"

"Oh" I'm stunned by his honesty

"I'm hoping now that you know what I am, it'll get easier because I can just be honest when I feel it"

"I do notice the change in your face" Running my finger across the lines now forming around his Eyes "Is that a sign?"

He nods "I'm sorry"

"I know you'll never hurt me" as my other hand reaches up to his beautiful face "can I kiss you?"

He leans over to me, one hand on the back of my head and gently lays his soft lips onto mine "I'll never hurt you again Alice, never"

Hero Where stories live. Discover now