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Driving home Hero is quiet "Are okay?" Silly question I know but, I need to break this silence.

"Yeah, I guess" He replies pensively looking dead ahead.

Regardless of what I decide I still want him in my life. "It's a big decision to make, I need to know if I'm making the right choice, you do understand right?" he is breaking my heart, his face is lost.

"I do, I just don't know if I can lose you" His face is crumbling "You're the only person who I have willingly told" Grabbing his hand I give it a squeeze.

As he pulls up outside my House, Dad comes to the door "Your Dad doesn't like me much does he?"

"Don't worry about him, he's a big softy really once you get to know him" Leaning over I kiss him, "I'll give you a ring in a few days okay" Smiling as I get out of the Car. He nods back, all I see is a broken man in front of me.

Walking up the path "Hey Dad, you alright?"

"I thought you were staying at Beas tonight"

"I was, now I'm not"

"Hero is not Bea. What's going on?"

"Not much. Goodnight" Kissing his cheek "Love you Dad"

"We'll talk about this tomorrow"

Jumping onto my bed. "Shit" what do I do?

The next morning I don't want to get up, but then when do I ever want to get up? The Sun is far to bright for my overthinking mind "Eugh" pulling the pillow over my head

"ALICE, WAKE UP" Mum shouts up the stairs


"I have Orange Juice and Asprin for you" She's laughing at me I just know it. Not one ounce of sympathy from her.

"I'm coming" I manage to drag myself up from my lovely cosy bed to the mirror. Squinting at myself "Oh Lord" this is good as it gets today.

Walking into the Kitchen "Bloody hell, it's the walking dead, no offence sweetheart but you look like shit" Laughs my delightful Father

"Cheers, I feel it"

"Full English coming up"

"Oh my God thanks Dad you're the best, no clotted blood though" Pulling a disgusted face

"No Black pudding, noted"

Mum plonks the Orange Juice and Asprin in front of me. "So are you going to tell us why you came home with Hero last night?"

"I got really drunk and he brought me home. I think it was very Gentleman like of him"

"Hmm Hmm" Dad grunts

"We're just good friends, seeing where it goes"

"As long as you're careful. Now... How many Eggs do you want?"

After breakfast I take the BEST shower EVEEEER.

My phone rings It's Bea "Alice what happened? Spill" Squeals Bea

"Nothing, we just talked, then he brought me home. He did ask if I would consider properly dating him though" I had to say something, I know Bea, she would sense I'm hiding something a mile off "I just need to think about it"

"Seriously, you need to think about dating Hero, are you mad???" Shouts Josie

"Maybe, come over tonight, I need a distraction"

"Then a distraction you shall have"

"Giiiiirllllls niiiiiiight" Whoops Josie


Several hours later we're sat in my bedroom eating to much and singing to Harry Styles
"What's holding you back on Hero" Josie asks playfully

"I really don't know" I sigh "I mean, he is so HOT" We all laugh "And he can be a gentleman when he wants to be but..." sighing "I know this is gong to sound utterly weird but, I feel like dejavu with him it's weird I know and it's hard to explain, it's making my head spin"

"oh? Bea looking concerned, you've never met him before?"

I've heard hes a bit of a player" Josie changing the subject 

"He what?" Bea says a little forcefully

"Yeah, he's been around, I haven't but, I know a few that have. I guess he just doesn't know how to give his heart away"
"Could be. I told him to give me a few days to think"


I spent the night dreaming of her, her beautiful green Eyes that go grey when she's unhappy. They were grey last night. Her beautiful pale skin, waking up with my legs wrapped around her. "Mmmmm"

"Hello handsome"

"For fuck sake why are you still here, I thought I told you to let yourself out last night?"

"You did"


"I didn't"

"Clearly!" Unwrapping myself from her. She starts stroking my chest "Stop Sammi"

"You wasn't complaining last night" As she trails kisses down to my happy length

"Well, someone had a good dream" She smirks at me. She really is a slut, why the hell did I call her? She teases my tip with her soft tongue.

 "Ooh Fuck" That's why "Don't stop" She takes all of me in her smart mouth as I grab her hair and push her down "Christ" I'm in heaven thinking of Alice.

Hero Where stories live. Discover now