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I run into the house, head spining. What the hell just happened?
I pick up the phone to call Bea.
Pacing my room, trying to hold back the tears I feel burning my eyes.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up... Bea? He just left me, he kissed me then just walked away"
"Calm down Alice, tell me what happend"
I explain how things were fantastic, the picnic, how he went weird in the Car. "Then he kissed me, It was so passionate, I felt the want in him, at least that's what I think it was. And then..." I feel the tears just release down my face and I break down "And then he just stops and walks away, like what the fuck?" Sobbing uncontrollably. "I feel like he's using me, playing some kind of sick game"
"No no I don't think so chick, do you want me to ring him and see what he's playing at? He wouldn't just play you like that. Not on purpose"
"Will you? Thanks Bea."


"Shit - Fuck!!" Fists slam the steering wheel. A burning Hot Fire in my chest.  A feeling I haven't felt for such a long time.

I speed out of the street, I need to get away from her "She saw - She saw"

She looked scared "Was it fear? Questioning?" Nah it was fear "Oh God I nearly!"

My phone rings

"What the actual Fuck Hero, How can you pull this shit on her?"
"Listen Bea, it's none of your fucking business what I do"
"It is when you mess with my Mate, my mate who happens to have never been on any kind of date before!"

What!? She doesn't come across like that, she's to confident.
"She's to good to be messed around. So stop what ever shit you're planning."
"Yeah yeah, stop with the lecture"
"No I wont, I just had her on the shitting phone crying, I wont fucking stop.
You're my mate and everything but so is she. She's to good for games"

I hang up "FUCK!"

I eventually pull up outside Ennismore Gardens. Walking up to the door of the large white House I feel instantly at home. Letting myself in "Mum, Dad?"

"Son, what are you doing here"
"Hello Mum"
"Are you not supposed to be on your date?"

"Mum" I can feel the tears burning my Eyes
"Son..." Dad looks frightened "You didn't?" He can see it in my face, I start to crumble.

Mums hands go to her face "Please tell me you didn't"

"I didn't - I didn't, I nearly did" comes out as a whisper. I feel the fire in my chest turn to pain, the world is sinking. Tears are now burning my face "I nearly Dad" as my knees buckle under me. I'm on the floor, sobbing. Mums now sat with me, her arms wrap around my shoulders, stroking my hair, as I look up at Dads face full of concern.

The Two people who never judged me for what happened all those years ago, fully accepted me, their Son. Accepted what was. We carried on as normal as possible. They never once hated me for what I did to them. Unconditional love, that's what this is.

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