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As I walk into my English Literature class I see a few empty chairs and people chatting to each other. I notice a Girl sat quietly by herself, looks like she's doing what I would be doing - hiding-. I walk up to her and ask if its okay to sit next to her.

"Yeh sure it is" She's nice, I like her already. "I'm Bianca, call me Bea " she says shaking my arm so hard it feels like its going to dislocate.

"Hey I'm Alice" Trying to sit down. "It's good to meet someone who is as nervous as me, rubbing my arm.

"it's that obvious?" she anxiously asks

"Sort of" I laugh

We get through the rest of the day, when Bea suggests going somewhere for lunch

"Anywhere nice around here" I ask hoping to find a nice Café I can make my regular.

"Their are a few, I'll show you, Brickwood First"


We seem to be getting along great, I've never had any real mates before, never allowed myself to get to close to anyone, forever moving about had some serious downsides.

We approach Brickwood, "Ooooh this is cute" with its Almost mint greenish exterior it does definitely have curb appeal.

"Lets go in" I grin "Wow this is so nice" as we enter. Absolutely stunning inside with its Brick wall exposed. We pick a table out side then go and order. I chose the Poached Egg on Sourdough toast.

"Cute place isn't it?" Bea looks at me with a smirk.

Food comes out and we spend the next hour chatting about class

"Come back to mine if you're not up to much" I ask looking forward to introducing her to Mum.

"Yeh sure, I'll just text Dad and let him know"

As we turn the corner to mine, we see a load of Guys hanging around

"Great" Moans Bea
"What's up?"
"My dick of a Brother and his mates, him with the Green hoodie that's Mark" She nods in his direction.

We walk pass them

"Yo Sis, you not going to introduce us to your mate?" Shouts Mark

Bea sighs "Guess so. Everyone this is my mate Alice, she's new in town. Alice this is Mark my Brother"

"Alright Alice"
"Hi Mark, good to meet you" I nod

"Jason" Pointing to a Lanky Guy leaning against the wall
"Hi Al" He nods
"Hey" I wave

"And Alex, he's alright he is" Short road boy type with happy eyes, I instantly like him.

He nods and smiles at me. and I nod back "Hi"

"Where's Hero?" Bea asks My head instantly pops up at the name

"You know him?" Mark asks

"I literally bumped into a hero this morning but it cant be the same guy. Tall, dark hair, the most heavenly green eyes" 

I seem to be day dreaming again because Alex throws his burger wrapper at my head "Earth to Alice" bringing back to reality as they all  laugh.

"sounds like him, he disappears for days at a time without word to anyone. Likes his headspace that one" Mark says to me "He'll be around in a few days" Almost like he's trying to reassure me.

 I can't help but smile back. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Are you coming to the party Later?" Jason asks
"Please say yes, it'll be a laugh and you'll get to know some of my mates aswel, pleeeeease?" Bea begs
"Okay, I'll be there"

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