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I can't believe he's back. he's so intense sometimes I don't know how to handle him, but he's mine all mine and I'm not going to let him ruin this for us again. I don't have it in me, hoping I made it clear enough to grasp how at the end of my rope I am. "Hey?" I'm interrupted from my thoughts with a finger running down my back and gentle kisses to my neck. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Mmmmm, just day dreaming" I whisper back. "I can't stop thinking about last night"

"Yeah you look like it. Lay back down" he commands smiling as he starts to make his way between my legs "I think we'll have to invest in a gag Lady Alice" I love this new nickname he has formed for me overnight "I think I might Sir Flynn" I gasp as he teases my spot with his tongue sliding One finger in "Oh fuck, that feels good" his kisses around the apex of my thighs, gentle nibbles, all whilst his finger is changing speed, Gentle, fast, gentle fast again has me moaning like a screaming banshee.

"Your moans turn me on" As he thumbs my spot. I can't really form any words at this moment, he had made me completely incoherent "Uh huh!" is all I can form. The build up around my thighs is intense. Grabbing his arm to stop "Sensitive?" as he stops for a brief moment then carries on his sweet torture. over and over again, Stop, start, stop, start.  I'm not sure how long this carries on but oh my fucking God he knows what he is doing. I wish to thank who ever taught him how to do this because I like her. "Come for me baby, come on" rubbing my spot so vigorously now that the build up explodes into a supernova like no other. Jesus sweet lord and all that is Holy. But he doesn't stop, he carries on. I'm now biting on his shoulder unable to control any part of my body because I am a quivering wreck. He stops for a moment with his gentle kisses, "I think you can come again don't you?" he says as he slides his hand back between my legs making me gasp "Yep I think you can" in between kisses "come for me baby" my mind is all over the place in blissful climax heaven "That's it, mmm you're amazing"

"The nerves in my legs are going crazy, I'm not sure I can stand up" He's proud of himself I just know it, pulling me into is arms. "Nerve supernova for sure" as he chuckles "That good huh?"

"Mmmmm" I moan as I'm fall into a blissful sleep listening to the sound of his breathing.

Several hours later I wake up but I'm not in bed, I'm in a different bed, in a different room. "Hero" calling out

"Alex darling, I went down to fetch some Tea from the kitchen" but looking at him hes wearing britches. 

"Whe...whe... where are we?" unable to form a proper sentence. 

"We're at home darling, are you feeling unwell?" looking concerned but not like MY Hero

Unsure what to say "I think I must" 

"You are a little warm, must be coming down with a fever, I'll fetch for doctor Coolidge" rushing out of the room shouting for someone.

"Fucking hell what is happening" running my hands over my face and I'm back in MY Heros room with Him laying next to me. 

"Heeey whats wrong, I've been trying to wake you for ages, you were having a bad dream" Pulling me close to him, drifting off again.

I wake up later to him popping a cup of Tea next to the bed. 

He is good to me, despite all his mistakes I can see that he is trying.

"Thanks babe, my Knight in shining armour" He chuckles his shy smile displaying his One dimple.  "I think you're the one that has saved me Alice" Kissing my forehead "I was nothing before you, I had no purpose in my sorry long life" Why can't he take a compliment, I was just existing I was happy being invisible and just strolling through life. And here he comes and flips my life upside down like a tornado. No he was the one who saved me. I didn't realise I needed saving but, that's what he did.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asks at he climbs behind me wrapping his legs around my waist.

"I have work at 11 o'clock" Sighing, wishing I didn't have to go so soon.

"Nooooo, stay" wrapping his arms around my shoulders laughing.

"I'll come back after work if you want me to" hugging his arms

"Don't feel like you have to or anything!" I ignore that snide comment, he is trying and I'll take it as a momentary lapse in judgement. Wincing as I move on the bed "Feeling a little fragile there babe?"

"Just a little, oh jelly legs, whoa what did you do to me?" My legs feeling like they're going to buckle underneath me as I wince to the bathroom.

I feel like I'm walking on air, like I'm a different women. I must have a massive grin on my face.

"Alice... Wahoo,  earth to Alice!" Josie by the door waving me to her "You're in your own little world, what's up? Noooooo, you had sex?"

"What, how?" does it show that much that someone can tell just by looking at me?

"You did, come on. Spill all the juice, I need to know every detail.

"Yes we did and no I'm not telling but... It. Was. A.Maze.Zing!"

"Eeeeek" she squeals jumping up and down clapping her hands "I'm so happy you Two are back together"

"I need to get back to work, I'll call you when I finish" Shooing her out. I spend the rest of my shift floating around in my happy little world, oblivious to what is happening around me. Day dreaming of his gentle kisses. Realising just how much I do miss him when we're not together.

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