Chapter Fourteen

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*The Next Morning*

Ed's POV

My eyes flickered open, and I looked to see that Taylor had wound her arms tight around my waist and was sobbing into my chest.

"Taylor, love, what's wrong?" I asked, and her breath caught a little, before she quickly backed away.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to wake y-you, I...," she was crying so much it was hard for her to not stutter.

"Taylor, hey, don't worry about it, okay? I'd much rather make you feel better than sleep, okay?" I looked her right in they eyes, and she nodded, barely. "Come here, love." I pulled her small frame back into me, and she tossed her arms back around my waist. "What happened, why're you so upset?" I placed a few kisses in her hair.

"I-it was n-nothing...," she murmured, still bawling into my chest.

"Taylor, obviously it was something, and I don't care what it is, I just want to make you feel alright, okay?" I hugged her even tighter into my chest and gave her even more kisses.

"I-it was j-just a stupid dream," she mumbled, shaking her head slightly.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

She took a deep breath before beginning. ""Y-you know the whole m-memory loss th-thing with me right?" She buried her face further into my chest. "I, my dream, something h-happened to you, and...and you didn't remember me, and...then, then after awhile, you...your memories had come back, but you said you hated me, you didn't like me anymore," she finished, and continued to sob, "I'm sorry, that's so stupid and I know it would never happen, but I just...I can't lose you." Her sobs grew louder than before, and I felt so terrible for her.

"Taylor, hey, that is not stupid at all, okay? I'm so sorry that scared you so bad, you definitely don't deserve that. And I want you to know that that wouldn't ever happen, because no matter what, I will love you, and I will always be here for you and there isn't going to be a day in my future that goes by that I won't, I promise, cross my heart and hope to die." I squished her so tight into my chest that I'm sure I almost turned her flat as a pancake, never ever wanting to let her go.

"R-really?" She seemed incredulous, backing away a little to meet my eyes with her tear-filled ones, still sniffling hard.

"Of course, Taylor, of course. I asked for your hand in marriage, basically cementing the fact that I will always love you, always. Nothing will change that, you hear me? Nothing. I love you too much, darling, way too much for that to even be a possibility of happening." I looked her right in the eyes as I said this, and she bit her lip as the corners of her mouth tugged upwards in an adorable smile. I brought one of my hands up to her face, brushing away all the tears that had been streaking down it.

"I love you," she muttered through tears, "so much." She pressed herself up against me as she brought her lips to mine, tossing her arm back around me, holding me close. When we pulled away, she immediately curled up back into my chest, clinging onto me as if though for dear life.

A little whole later, she still hadn't moved. "Are you good to go back to sleep then?" I asked, placing a kiss on her head. She gave a small nod, but didn't move. I couldn't imagine having her face buried in my t-shirt could be all that comfortable, but whatever works for her.

"Ed?" Taylor asked a couple seconds later. "Could...could we maybe, like...start planning our wedding? Like, I know I don't remember exactly everything yet, but...I would really like to start doing that, I'd...I just wanna marry you as soon as physically possible," she finished, clutching tighter to me. "But, like...if you don't want to, if you wanna wait until I've remembered everything, that's cool too, of course."

"Really? Could we?" I was so excited I wanted to get up and start planning right now.

She nodded. 'Yeah, would you like that?" She seemed a little surprised.

"Taylor, I would love that! We were to get married months ago, and ever since then, one of the few things that's been in the forefront of my mind has been 'when will I get to marry Taylor' because I've wanted to so bad for so long now, I just...of course!" She giggled happily.

"I love you, I love you so much, thank you."

"I love you too, darling." I placed a kiss on her head. "And umm, what are you thanking me for?" I genuinely had no idea.

"For not thinking I'm weird for having that dream, for calming me down, for being just as excited as I am about getting married to each other, that really means a lot to me, thank you." She clung onto me even tighter.

"Taylor, of course, I'll always do all those things, I'll never think you're weird for having a nightmare, I'll always wake up and do my best to calm you down, and how could I not be excited about getting married? I'm marrying you, it doesn't get any better!" I exclaimed with a laugh, and she giggled.

"Thank you, I love you, I love you, I love you." She yawned, and I was surprised to see she didn't choke herself on my shirt. "Goodnight, Ed."

"Goodnight, Taylor, you beautiful, loving, caring, sweet, kind, adorable as ever, almost my wife, girl." She giggled at that, which made me smile. "See you in the morning, I love you to the moon and back."

She yawned again, sleep already setting in. "I love you more then I can explain," she mumbled, and moments after that, she was asleep.

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