Chapter Nineteen

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*About Three Months Later*

Taylor's POV

I was sitting on the sofa with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Ed was in the kitchen finishing up making us some popcorn, before walking over and taking a seat right next to me, also putting his feet on the coffee table. He handed me the bowl, letting me set it on my lap as I ate a fistful at a time - man, was I starving.

Ed had one arm around my shoulders, and the other was placed lovingly atop my belly. Three months into my pregnancy, I was just barely starting to show, and it put my husband over the moon. He said that he thought I'd never looked lovelier than I did with my little baby bump, which made me smile every time he said it. Already, Ed was so in love with this baby, he talked to it every day and he was constantly rubbing my belly. Honestly, it was the absolute cutest thing I think I've ever seen. The way he talks to it, it's like it's just him and that little kid, he's always off on his own cloud nine when he does that and it makes me so happy to see. He'll always finish his talks by placing a kiss on my belly, which makes it a million times more adorable, if that's even possible.

I leaned my head over and rested it on his shoulder. "Ed?"

"Yes, darling?"

"When should we tell our fans about our baby?" I asked, giving a gesture to my belly. I knew that everyone would be finding out soon with the small bump I was growing, but I wanted to actually tell my fans, versus letting them having to figure it out on their own.

"We could tell them now, if you wanted," he suggested, and I smiled, nodding. He gave my belly a rub, and I grinned, he loves this kid so much, just like me.

"How should we tell them?" This one he didn't have as quick of an answer to, but that was okay, because I shortly came up with an idea. "We could take a picture of you bending down and talking to the baby like you always do, and we could both post it to our Instagrams and Twitters and everything, whaddya think?"

"That sounds perfect, love." He reached over and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek. I ate another fistful of popcorn before standing and walking to the kitchen to get my phone. Ed followed, and once I had retrieved it, he immediately knelt down to my belly, placing his hands around it and talking to it. I grinned, it's so absolutely adorable when he does that.

I held my phone out to the side and took multiple pictures, the faux shutter going off every time. I got one last picture when Ed placed a kiss on my baby bump, before he stood up and drew me into his chest, enveloping me in a hug.

"I can't wait to meet our little kid, love." He rubbed his nose against mine before placing a kiss on my lips, in an Eskimo kiss sorta thing. My god, he was so cute and adorable I could hardly stand it.

"Neither can I, Ed." I gave him another quick kiss before grabbing his hand and leading him back over to the sofa. He tossed his arms around me like they had been earlier, one around my shoulder and one atop my baby bump. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I opened up the photo app and showed him all the pictures I had just taken.

"Which one's your favorite?" I asked, even though I already knew which one I liked best. The last one, where his eyes were shut and he was placing a loving kiss on my belly. He was smiling so wide and it made me so happy to look at; I know he loves our child so much already, just like me.

"The last one," he said, and I smiled.

"Good, that's my favorite one too. What should we caption it?" I asked, and we both thought for a moment.

"You could do: 'Ed told me to caption this Sheeran #3', like you did awhile back, except with sweeran," he suggested, and I grinned, nodding. That was perfect!

"Yes! I love that, Ed." I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek, holding it there for a few moments before looking back down to my phone. I uploaded it to Twitter, giving it the decided caption, and then quickly posted it to Instagram and Facebook as well. Ed quickly retweeted it, and within seconds the comments we were getting were amazing.

"They're so happy for us, love, look!" He pointed to different messages on his phone, and I smiled. I was so glad everyone was in love with this idea just as much as we are, I had honestly been a little worried that my fans my disprove. "They're so happy for you," he said, turning back to gaze at my belly as he said that, before placing a loving kiss on it. I grinned extra wide when he did that, he's cuter than anything I've ever seen.

Just then, I let out a long yawn. It was getting pretty late, and with each day I was pregnant, I was getting drowsy more and more easily.

"You ready for bed, beautiful girl?" I nodded, and with one swift motion, he scooped me up in his arms. I giggled loudly, my laughs echoing off the walls as he carried me up the stairs.

When we got into our bedroom, he set me down extra carefully, lowering me slowly down onto the mattress before letting his arms snake their way softly back out from under my back and legs. He kneeled down next to me, gazing into my eyes with the biggest smile on his face. He softly brushed the hair out of my face before placing a delicate kiss on my cheek, one that left the skin that he had touched with his lips tingling and aching to be kissed again. I leaned forward to kiss him, and he quickly kissed back, letting one of his hands hold the side of my face.

"I love you, Taylor, and I love our child so much," he said when we pulled away, smiling. I grabbed one of his hands and held it tight in my own before resting it on my bump.

"I love you too, Ed, and so does this little kid of ours." He smiled, giving me another kiss before reaching over and kissing my tummy. He pulled away smiling, giving it one last longing look before he retreated to his side of the bed, his arms immediately traveling around my now slightly larger waist. One hand grabbed mine and held it tight, and the other was placed protectively around my baby bump. He's done this every night since we found out I was expecting, and it's the cutest thing ever. He nuzzles up right against my back side and always holds his hands so protectively around me that it's almost like he's afraid something might happen to me - well, us, really, considering the baby. He draws me as far into his chest as he can, and holds me even tighter in his arms.

"I love you, Ed," I murmured, giving his hand a squeeze.

"I love you too, Taylor, I love you so much."

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