Chapter Sixteen

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*A Month Or Two Later*

Taylor's POV

"Come here, beautiful girl," Ed offered, his arms wide as he sat on the bed. I didn't hesitate to crawl into them, resting my head against the crook of his neck and curling my legs on top of his. Today had been one of those long days, where nothing had really gone wrong, it just seemed to drag on, leaving you tired by the end of it. I was thankful to have my husband to cuddle with on days like this.

"I still can't believe we're married," I said, and he chuckled light-heartedly. "I'm serious!" I laughed too. "I just..." I looked up to meet his gaze, and he grinned wide. "How did I get this lucky? To not only find someone who loves me, but find someone who loves me enough to marry me and spend the rest of their life with me at their side, I mean...and not only to find someone who'd do all that, but to find you. I love you so much, Ed."

He smiled, running his fingers lightly over my messy hair. "A better question is: how did I ever get lucky enough to call you my wife, love?" He pulled his arms tighter around me before continuing. "My future is going to be so much better now that I've got you to spend it with."

I blushed at this, he certainly does have a way with words.

For a short while, neither of us spoke. I cuddled up into his chest and hugged onto him, grateful for his warmth and safety. His arms wound tight around me, and his lips seemed forever caught in my hair as they continued to place more and more kisses atop my head.

"Ed?" I asked suddenly.


"What if...what if we had kids? Would you like that?" This was something I had been curious about for a long time now, the topic of children. We'd both vaguely mentioned it before, but never really discussed it.

"Honestly?" He asked, and I nodded. "I'd love that so much. Think of how amazing that would be!" He gave a grand gesture in the air, signaling for me to imagine with him. "I can see it, the day we'd find out you're pregnant we'd both be jumping and dancing around, crying and calling everyone we know. We'd hardly get any sleep that night because we'd both be up talking about anything and everything - from baby names to what color we'd paint the nursery. And as the months would pass, you'd grow a little baby bump, and I swear, that may be the most precious thing I will ever see," he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "And then the day our kid would be born? That would be the second greatest day of my life."

"Oh? Second? To what?" I was curious.

"Our wedding day, duh," he stated matter-of-factly, and I grinned.

"Anyways, it would be so amazing. I'd of course be there to comfort you and everything, and then when our little kid would finally be born, I can just see it in my head: you cradling him or her so close to your chest, crying because of how excited you'd be, and you'd have the biggest smile on your adorable little face. And then I'd get to hold our little one, and I'm sure I'd just lose it. I would hold them so close and never ever let go, I'd sit there next to you and in that one room we'd have our family, it would be absolutely perfect," he finished with a sigh of contentment. "But what about you?" He asked, and for some reason I let out a small giggle.

"Basically all of that. I know that throughout my whole pregnancy, you'd be there to support me and hold my hand whenever I'd need it." He nodded. "And I know that as our little kid's growing up, you'd be there greatest father ever. I can just see you doing anything for them, running around and playing with them in the backyard, or building things out of Lego's with them, or tucking them in at night with a song on your guitar." I smiled just thinking about it, imagining raising a family with Ed was something rather exciting to think about.

Ed kissed my forehead again, before pressing one of his hands to my stomach. "We could put a kid in here," he said, and again, I laughed out loud. That was such a funny way to word, such an absolutely Ed way to word it.

"Yes, we most certainly could." I joined his hand with mine on top of my belly, and for some reason, we both grinned like maniacs. "I'd prefer sooner rather than later, though, if I were being honest."

He chuckled. "I'm glad we're on the same page, love." He pressed his lips to mine, and I held them there for as long as I could before running out of breath.

"How's now sounding? I think it sounds pretty good," I suggested playfully, moving my body a little bit to face him, pressing my front to his.

"I think now sounds perfect," he said, pulling our bodies even closer together, our lips clashing roughly.

"I'm so glad we agree." I giggled quietly as he helped me slide my shirt off over my head.

"Me too, love, me too."

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