The Robot Persona (9)

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     She lifted her head off the pillow. Her neck and the rest of her body was stiff, because she was still not used to laying on such a nice mattress. The only reason she did last night was...

     Her eyes widened with shock and she shot up like a rocket. At first, she wasn't sure how to feel once she came to the realization that she was the only person in the room. Well, what did she expect exactly? He made his intentions loud and clear.

     So, why was she so damn disappointed?

     "What a fucking idiot," she addressed herself. She threw the sheets off, only to regret it when the cold brushed against her bare skin. While she was tired, she had enough energy to race to her closet and throw on a t-shirt and pajamas pants. "What did you think would happen, bed and breakfast?"

     "Perhaps not, then."

     She just about jumped out of her skin. Like a coward, she kept her back to him. "I thought you had left?"

     "I had to take a couple calls and I didn't want to wake you. I didn't mean for you to awaken alone."

     Avathara turned to find a neat Idris. He was dressed like a damn businessman. Of course, he was absolutely handsome. She crossed her arms. "I'm sorry. I really thought you left."

     He took a step forward. She held her breath in as he leaned down. He scanned her as though he suddenly had his sight back. This made her nervous. "Did you sleep alright, Avathara?"

     She nodded, only to realize how stupid it was. "Yes," she croaked out, "although it was like sleeping with an oven."

     He straightened, and there was this twisted smirk on his face. "It's a good thing you didn't have too many layers on then, last night."

     She covered her cheeks as they reddened. Then, she couldn't help but let out a little giggle. "Are you flirting with me, Idris?"

     "Do I look like the romantic type, Avathara? This kind of face isn't exactly popular with the opposite sex. Any sex actually."

     Avathara rolled her eyes. "What nonsense are you going on about?" She stepped up and ran a hand down his belly as though to straighten a nonexistent wrinkle. She gave him a little pat. "As though a few scars could take away from such beauty," she continued, "or maybe you say these things so that I do not become overcome with jealousy."

     Idris caught her wrist, warning clear once again in his expression. "Must you constantly tempt me?"

     She tugged away, walking around him. "I should ask the same of you, mister. So, what's on the agenda today?"

     She could feel the shift in the air following the change in subject. "Avathara..."

     "You're leaving again?"

     Idris nodded.

     "Let me come with."

     "No." Did he really have to be so quick about his response?

     "You would rather leave me here with complete strangers?" She put her hands on her hips and prayed he was receiving the energy she was targeting at him.

     "You've gotten to know each other some. You are not complete strangers. Besides, we're more strangers than anyone else."

     Damn, he had a point. Although, she didn't kiss and then snuggle with Aeress, Warrick, Mikya, or Klein since meeting any of them. "Do you just not like me?"

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