Simply an Echo (12)

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     "You know," Klein commented from the passenger seat of the car, "I have not been in this country in a couple of years. I forgot how pretty the summers are. Just a fantasy if you ask me."

     She was glued to the window. She'd never seen so many cars or buildings, one that surely did reach past the sky. It was amazing and terrifying, because while she had felt small many times in her life, she had never even begun to fathom how minuscule she was when compared to these civilizations.

     "We aren't staying in this city," Idris informed her unsaid question. "There's a coastal town, it's mostly filled with werewolf kind."

     She swallowed and said nothing, suddenly wishing that she was an ignorant human, heading into one of those tall buildings or walking on one of those crowded streets. Instead she was stuck in this car, with two annoyingly handsome men. Okay, perhaps it was not the worst situation to be in.

     She never thought she would ever be able to be surrounded by werewolves without hyperventilating again, but she wasn't given a choice as to who could be in her company.

     A couple hours passed, and right as her body began to stiffen, they approached the town. Once again, she couldn't keep her eyes away from the ocean view. It was far more warm than the Alaskan sites she grew up with all her life. Instead, she was perfectly content in a t-shirt and jeans.

     The town was filled with beautiful houses and stores. It wasn't an overly complex layout, yet there was a mysterious mood which did not go unnoticed. People were out and about, many whipping their heads to get a view of the vehicle. They clearly recognized that their alpha was back in town. She was glad to know that they couldn't actually see into the car because of the blackened windows.

     Some children with their guardians were even waving and yelling to the car.

     Avathara laughed quietly to herself, simultaneously feeling bad for expecting a plain and bleak situation. She was beginning to realize that she was judging Idris before she even got the chance to know him better.

     "Oh, yes," Klein was clearly eyeing the women as they drove past like he had never encountered the opposite sex before, "I'm going to have a good time here."

     After driving through the more congested part of town, they were lead into the neighborhood, where the homes became more and more spaced out the farther they got. Eventually, after a good ten minutes, they broke out of a heavy throng of trees and the beautiful, grand house came into view. Well, actually, they had to drive up a slim road and get past a pair of gigantic gates connecting the ceaseless, encompassing wall first.

     While not taller than two stories, she could already tell that the expanse of the house was impressive in its own right. The stone walls were a pale blue, with plenty of mirroring windows. The roof was a faded black, and while worn, still marvelous. She was in love.

     The car parked and they were escorted out. Instantly, they were surround by guards and staff. She held on to his hand tight as Idris practically pulled her into the warm outside. While they didn't address her once, this didn't stop her from sensing the curious gazes sent her way. She wanted to sink into the ground where she would be safe from scrutiny. Surely they would want to know the woman on their alpha's arm, they'd want to know every detail. She would too.

     It was evident that they were making their own inferences as they started addressing her, asking to take her luggage and if she needed anything. All she could do was remain glued to his side.

     "I will attend business once we have settled in," Idris announced, and just like that, everyone scattered.

     The large pair of front doors were opened for them, and they were invited into the loveliest and homiest interior she ever had the pleasure of being in. The entrance area had so many pathways leading to the other parts of the houses. In front were grand stairs, against either side of the room. In the center was a simple pond with only a couple of larger fish. No chandeliers. No expensive woodwork. It was nothing like the mansion she had stayed in with Aeress and Warrick.

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