Suffer Alone (22)

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     She kept her head bowed as she sat by his side. They both waited patiently for his office door to open. When it eventually did, she didn't know what to expect.

     Avathara kept quiet as a soft knock sounded. Idris took her hand and sat up straight. "Come in, Kallista." He was neither friendly or filled with fury, though she knew he desired to be the latter. She could sense it off his skin, like a scalding heat. It almost brought an itch to her skin, but she remained steady by his side.

     She looked terrible, the complete opposite from the first time she encountered Kallista. Her hair had grown out some, her eyes were darkened with exhaustion. She was thinner, the muscles had softened. It was obvious this woman had little care for her body these past few weeks.

     Her eyes were on the floor but there was an obvious defiance in her straightened shoulders and the stance of her legs. "Alpha Idris. Luna Avathara." She bowed her head as a sign of respect. "I have come at you request."

     "We need to talk about this situation," his voice was heavy with authority. "It cannot go on like this. I'm being spread too thin and my leadership quality has been slipping. This cannot happen."

     She finally raised her bright blue eyes. They were hard, cold, but brimming with hurt. "What is there to discuss. You two are fated. I have no intention of getting in the way of that."

     His voice filled with heat. "You couldn't if you tried," he corrected, his hold on Avathara's hand tightening. She appreciated this response.

     Kallista nodded, finally directing her gaze upon Avathara. "I owe you an apology. Both of you. What I said before, it was way out of line. I respect you, as my alpha," she switched between talking to the both of them, "and you as his mate. What I said, I said because I was scared. These powers, they almost killed my twin. And of course, with our past, I was caught off guard by your presence. I didn't mean any of it, I was emotional and being bitter over something that is out of your control. I understand if you do not wish for me to be around. I just hope you can forgive my petty words and actions."

     "What you said was out of line," Idris agreed. "It took me everything not to kill you in that moment. What kind of alpha allows his mate to be disrespected like that?" Kallista nodded. "By anyone? Never again. I am setting a boundary with you, here and now, and if you cannot respect it, there is no need for us to continue this conversation. Understood?"

     "Yes, Alpha Idris."

     "First, what we did was wrong. I understand that the sex was outside of our professional relationship, but all the same, I was and am your superior. It was wrong on my end. After more thought, I have realized it was an abuse of power, even if you consented. For that, I am sorry and I will be held accountable for it."

     "Yes, Alpha Idris."

     "Now, for the boundary. As you are well aware of, I have a mate now. I do not need to remind you of lessons you have been taught since birth. You understand how important she is to me, to our pack. She is everything. Whatever happened in the past, it was a mistake, and nothing like that will ever happen again. You will give her the respect she deserves, not only because she is the future luna of this pack, but because she is an amazing person who will become a leading figure in this community. Now, we need to discuss your position."

      This is when her eyes went very wide. If it was even possible, she was even more pale than before. Avathara couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. "Of course. I know I have burdened you with the absence of your beta." She bowed her head in submission.

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