Killing Klein (17)

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     As they began their walk back to the house, she couldn't find it in herself to speak.

     Klein placed a hand on her shoulder. There was a sympathetic look on his face. "Don't be too disappointed. Just because we didn't get it the first time, doesn't mean our mission is doomed. Stuff like this takes time. Starting off is always the hardest, trust me."

     Avathara nodded along, keep her eyes trained on the floor. It was warm, with the kind of heat that made her skin feel sticky. Many of her curls were stuck onto her skin, forcing her to wipe at her face a few times just to stop the uncomfortable, itching sensation. "I guess."

     "So... what are your plans for the rest of the night? It'll be dinner time in a couple hours."

     She nodded again. "I'm not sure. I really don't want to talk to him. I can't face your sister either."

     Klein was clearly trying to keep the conversation light. "You know, besides her involvement, I'd say she's a pretty cool girl. We're cut from the same cloth, her and I. She's older too, by eight minutes."

     "I'm sure she is," Avathara responded weakly. "I just feel like it'll always be weird between us now. This is her home, not mine. I'm on her property."

     Klein stopped dead in his tracks. "Avathara, what the hell are you going on about? You do understand that you and Idris are mated, right? Because of the bond alone, it's basically impossible for him to even think about anyone else in that way. On top of that, you're absolutely gorgeous, you have a kind heart, and you're accepting of his crazy ass. I know things were different before, but I'm telling you now, it's Kallista who is on your property. Although, I should hope you don't view people as property."

     Avathara did not expect him to make such a speech. She turned away from him, denying his beautiful words, ones she wished were true. "I don't." She couldn't say much else. "I just don't know how to get past this."

     Klein was calm once again. "You will. Eventually. You wouldn't still be here if you didn't think so."

     Her eyes widened. He was right. She began to walk again. "I don't want to talk to him tonight. If I do, I know I'll give in. I don't want us to be like that."

     "Forgiving?" He sounded doubtful. "That's not good?"

     She shook her head. "Imbalanced. I will not have my feelings invalidated. It's been that way all my life and I'm sick of it."

     He had a knowing, understanding look to his face. "That's a good point, but, once again, I should remind you that if you couldn't already tell, when it comes to you, Idris puts the 'whipped' in 'whipped cream'."

     She couldn't stop her smile this time around. "I'll never understand it. I suppose my brain is either slow or plain old stubborn."

     Klein patted her on the shoulder. "Definitely stubborn. So, dinner?"

     "I kind of want to be alone tonight, but maybe tomorrow?" She felt guilty for rejecting his offer, but it was true that she needed her space.

     He sighed. "I suppose I could catch up with my sister... or maybe a willing woman from town. We'll have to see. Hey, Avathara?" They both stopped their stroll for a second. "You really did well today, I'm proud of you."

     Her throat thickened with emotion. "Thanks, Klein."


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