An Alien Word (11)

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     "Looking for Viceroy Idris?" Avathara spun around to see Aeress a few feet away.

     Avathara cleared her throat. "Uh, yes, actually. Do you know where he is?"

     She couldn't help but admire how beautiful Aeress was. She was a goddess, ceaseless, and glowing with power and beauty. There was an ancient energy which oozed from her skin, yet there was not a wrinkle in sight. Her black locks were pulled back in a simple braid. She was sporting some army green combat boots and pants and a simple black hoodie. It was obvious that she was ready for action at any moment.

     "I just finished talking with him, actually," Aeress said, nodding in the direction she must have just come from. "He's planning out the trip, getting the supplies you need. While he does that... I could really use some company. You hungry?"

     Avathara managed a small but genuine smile. "Always."


     Aeress held her chest, the rest of her body not quite catching up as she tried to put a stop to her obnoxious laughing. "I swear I'm not lying! This person literally stalked me just so they could fart on me. It was a hit-and-run. It is strange how some people fantasize about the mother of werewolves. I mean, I guess farting isn't the worst of my worries."

     Avathara managed to smile, she even giggled a little. "This happened while you were in the city?"

     Aeress nodded, taking a sip of her water. "Yes, although, these days I don't visit the highly populated areas too often. Sad really, I used to live in the city when I was fully human. I probably would have lived there until I was old and grey."

     "All those tall buildings," Avathara bravely spoke, "do they really approach the sky?" She didn't mean to sound so child-like, but it was true that puka packs wanted nothing to do with more civilized human societies, especially cities.

     Aeress paused and examined Avathara like she was some kind of newfound specimen. She became startled and blinked quickly before focusing once more. "You would have to see it to believe it. I'll take you whenever you want, if you want, of course?"

     Avathara looked down at her plate of food shyly. "I think I would. I'm just not sure when."

     "Ah, yes. It all depends on your mate. Who knows what you'll be up to." Aeress wiggled her eyebrows. "It's a tricky thing, the whole fated thing."

     Her thirst for knowledge rose up to the forefront of her mind. "What was it like for you?" She recalled Warwick's words but wanted to hear from her perspective.

     Aeress sighed, swallowing another bite of food. "Well, he was a jerk. Still is. I put him in his place, of course. I don't know why I even liked him, but, I guess..." she paused to really think. "Even from the beginning. I felt safe with him. Physically. Eventually, in other ways. He hid things from me, important things. Things that almost broke us." She had another sip of water. "He just wouldn't budge, wouldn't share himself, not in the way that really counts, you know? I guess he was as afraid as I was. It was a mess. It's like two strangers were thrown in the middle of a war, and they were extremely horny for each other and somehow obsessed with each other. Definitely was not healthy for the longest time. It's a work in progress. Considering the circumstances, I'd say we're not doing half-bad at this point. But what do I know?"

     Avathara could see the young human shining through in her, it complimented the immense power she possessed, the kind that earned her the title 'Godhead'. "He really loves you. You didn't give up on him," she couldn't help but comment.

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