Im going to die

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(A/N most of this is gonna be in May's POV)

    Don't start the song just yet, and don't even try to play it and see what it is. Trust me.

MAY ~ 7:02a.m MARCH 21st

I woke up to the sound of my alarm (btw we just gon pretend they phones don't work ok? Ok) going off. I stopped it and got up to get in the shower. After 1hr, I got out and dried my Hair putting it in two braids, put on a Dark grey Body suit, And some Air Max's.
I walked in the hallway to see Maria in a Black Bodysuit.
She looked at my fit and laughed. "Great minds think alike" she said.
"You look pretty" I said.
"Same to you" she said as we walked down stairs to see everyone Ready and sitting down.
"Bout time" Aaliyah Said getting up as everyone else did the same.
"Shut up" Maria said.
"OK LETS GO TRAIN AND GET PREPARED" Hakeem said yelling.
"Hell is you yelling for. We not deaf" Lucas said slapping him in the back of his head.

LUCAS ~ 8:00p.m

After Hours of training and preparing, We all was exhausted but we had to get on the move.
We all got in the shower and got ready.
I was sitting on my bed thinking about Why Kylee would do something like that. I was still
Mad but I couldn't be forever. I was interrupted In my thoughts when i heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" I slightly Shouted. My door slowly opened to Kylee's Face.
"ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ" I mumbled. I didn't want to see her. But having everyone hate her Makes me feel bad.
"Can we talk?? I know you probably do-" she started.
"Kylee, Come in" I said. She came and sat In my bed next to me.
"Look, I'm sorry. I know I should've Kept the promise but I was just mad and wasn't thinking straight. The girl was irking(I think) my nerves. I get it if you-" she said Tearing up but got cut off by me.
" Its ok. I shouldn't have never made you make that promise. I knew it was going to be hard to keep. I forgive you. Only because this isn't the time to argue or get mad rn. I'm just disappointed bc I never knew something like this would happen. Our life is on the line. We need to stick together and be good siblings. Let's just forgive and forget?" I said.
"Yes plz" she said crying and hugged. I hugged her back.
"Alright enough sad shit let's go" Caleb said with sass. Me and Kylee laughed while going downstairs.

    MAY ~ 9:20p.m
So we made it to the hospital. We all had our weapons. I had a Teal and Black AR-15 (they pretty). I wasn't paying attention to the weapons the others had. I was focused on the Hospital. I was so scared of what could happen. The hospital was tall and long. We could get lost.
"Alright let's go" Aaliyah Said. We walked up to the door and opened it. I took a deep breathe and walked in. A very cold Breeze Came that sent chills down my spine.
  "It stank in here" Hakeem Said covering his Nose as we walked to the center of the hospital. It was blood all on the walls. Hakeem was right. It smelt like Boiled eggs and Mold.
"AHH"  Caleb screamed like a little girl which made us all Jump and look at him.
   "What? What is it?" Kylee asked while pointing a electric Bow and Arrow at him.
   "L-look" he said Pointing in the Hallway on his left. What we saw was Not scary But quite Weird. We saw two girls which looked around 15 playing Hand games. One was in a Hospital Gown while the other Butt. Naked. Yes. I mean shiny Skin Showing on her sides. Looong hair covering her Breast, Booty, and her Coot coot (💀). We all was Froze Until something caught our attention.
      They stopped. Turned they heads slowly. Very slowly. Before we could react. The girls were running very fast. Everyone was ice frozen. When they was about 10feet away I hurried and shot them in the Neck. After that, it was like everyone came back to reality.
"Are y'all ok?" I asked them.
"Yes thanks for shooting them, I felt like I was paralyzed" Lucas said.
"Same" The other said in a usion.
Ok so this is how it's gone go." Hakeem said as we huddled up.

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