Is life even w-worth it?

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September 2020

Me and Caleb Both woke up and looked at each other and thought about Yesterday.

Yesterday was Caleb Birthday. September 4. He turned 19. Let's just say he got turnt up.

But something seemed off today. But I pushed it in the back of my head.

"We have a loong day today" Caleb said. I nodded.

"Do you smell tha- Bro Caleb!" I looked at him in disgust.

"What- omggg" he covered his mouth.

It was Throw up all in the bed. And on his side.
"Wanna go to Bodie California ?" I suggested.

"What is that?"

"Oh! It's an abandoned town" I replied.

"It'll be fun" I added.
2hrs Later
"It look so...Creepy" Caleb said.

"Duhh. I mean it is Abandoned"

"Don't get smart lil girl"

"Boy let's go"

We walked through it and it was full of chains Hanging inside the houses.

"Can we go back"

"NO...I mean, no" I said as he mugged me.

"It's so hot" Caleb said.

We both had on a black graphic Tee and black pants.

"What's the background story?" Caleb asked me.

"It used to be a gold-Mining town and an Historic Park.

But now it's cursed and a ghost tow. Some Ghost towns contains Cemeteries, decay, and artifacts." I finished.

Caleb just looked at me like I was stupid. "What?"

"Girl you dumb if you-" Caleb started but I tuned him out and started looking around.

Remember when I said something seemed off? I'm getting that same feeling.

My ears started ringing

"Bro I swear- you ok?" Caleb walked up to me as I covered my ears and got on my knees with my eyes shut.

After about 10 more seconds it stopped.

"You didn't hear that" I said still on my knees.

"No- GIRRLLLL" Caleb backed away. I'm confused.

"Whaaaa" I dragged as I started to see a shadow.


I knew this was a bad idea. We had no weapons.

Dumb move number one

Luckily, I had a bloody red Dagger knife. I don't know why this girl wanted me to come to this place.

Cause trust meee if I knew it was a Voodoo town or whatever she said I would've kept my ass glued to that couch. Stg.

I pulled Liyah off the ground and we was gone. But ofcourse, the thing was catching up.

Aaliyah tripped on a stick.

This girl is white or something cause why she still onna ground?

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