Cough Cough Kylee

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"U-uh yea actually two people" I heard on the other line.

"Ok good. My name is Akali and I'm in California." Akali said Aka Me.

What? I know I shouldn't be playing around due to what's happening but, I haven't had fun in 2yrs. Because Of Cough cough Kylee Cough cough.

I smiled at the thought of Kylee. Now That was fun and a stress reliever kinda. Ifykyk.

Tbh she can Rot in Lucifers house of hell with hell that's in hell with hell for dinner.


" That was not funny" Aaliyah said Mugging me.

"It- it wassss" I said in between laughter.

She really thought it was other people. Like um chileee antyways Bby girl.

Once I calmed down I looked up and seen Aaliyah staring at me. Her eyes started watering.

"Girl I know you not bout to cry" I said straight facing her.

"I-I am b-because I really thought we wouldn't be alone anymore" she said as a tear slipped.

She-She is notttt. She taking this TO seriously. I said laughing in my head. I wanted to laugh so bad. All I did was smile.

"Dang girl it ain't that serious." I hugged her.

"Go upstairs and take a shower."

"I'll be fine" I added sitting on the couch.


Sigh this is coming to an end tmr maybe. Mainly because ain't nobody reading BUT I enjoyed writing it for my 'readers' or whateva. Thanks for the 'support'.

I keep getting told I have to wait and be patient but don't nobody wanna wait. And I'm not bout to keep writing For the invisible. Waited 2 months n have got No where.

I may sound ungrateful which is NOT true but am I wrong?🥴

How many days y'all got til' yo Summer starts?

School ends on June 18th for me.

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