I Have a Bad Feeling In My Gut pt.1

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|Houston, TX📍|
|April 7, 2020|
~A A L I Y A H~


We decided to Move our plan to today.

Right now I was putting on the Suit Caleb found in a little Closet I'm guessing in the basement.

We all had one to protect us from the outside.

This better go good.

What if it don't?

Positive Thoughts only.

Positive Thoughts Only.


LIYAH" Somebody said Snapping me back into Reality. It was Maria.

You good? I called you about 3 times" she said
Yea. Just Thinking." I said drinking my drink.

  Looking in space face ass" Caleb Mumbled next to me thinking I couldn't hear but did.

Speak with yo chest" I said doing the 🧏🏾‍♀️ emoji.

Shut up and cmon" Maria said walking out with me and Caleb following behind her.


~O M N I S C I E N T~

They had drinks.
They had food.
They had Clothes.
Stuff for Hydration basically.

Maria, Caleb and Aaliyah was now walking.
Where? Onna street. What street? They don't fucking know so don't ask.

"I don't know if it's just me but, it's so foggy"- Aaliyah

"It ain't just you. Trust me." - Maria agreed.

"Shhhh, y'all don't hear that." - Caleb.
It sounds like Footsteps He thought.

They then saw a Figure jogging towards them.

Aaliyah Cocked her gun, Maria Got a grenade while Caleb just squinted his eyes.

"Y'all hear that. It sounds like a train"- Maria.

As the Train got louder the person stopped in front of them. Almost 6ft away. It was a man.

I have a Bad feeling in my gut Aaliyah thought.

Y'all have to h-help me" - ?? Said outta breathe.

They looked at each other then back at the man.
Who Are you?" Caleb Said while nodding.

The train got Louder and Louder as if it was right in front of them.

"I'm Daniel and I'm warning you-"- he started but got hit by the train.

As the train kept going, Aaliyah just stood there Frozen As her mouth made a 0 shape and eyes wide, while Caleb and Maria Just laughed.

"Daamn Daniel"- Maria said which made them laugh harder.

What shoes he got on in his Casket." Caleb added while tears rolled down his face.

They looked at Aaliyah face expression and Laughed even harder holding they stomach.

That is not funny. What if that happened to me."- Aaliyah said. They stopped laughing and looked at her

"So....You wish that was you huh" Caleb said and They Started wheezing.


Fucking dumbasses Aaliyah thought as she Tuned them out going into deep thoughts thinking about what Daniel said.

"Okay okay enough Hehe haha. He said he was warning us." -Aaliyah said as they calmed down.
About what?" Maria said.

"That"- Aaliyah said.
What?" -Caleb
"Turn around"- Aaliyah.

When Maria and Caleb turned around slowly It's like they Stomach dropped to the center of Earth..(So dramatic)


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