God, Where Am I

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April 4, 2020

She was irritating anyways" I said to Caleb. Aaliyah, Caleb, and I was sitting in the game room as Me and Caleb played Pool. I didn't Care Because she ruined it. My Life. Others. So I don't care for her. As For Lucas.... Idk.

I'm saying" Caleb said as he hit a Stripes into a hole.
Your Quiet." I said to Aaliyah. She has just been staring into Nothing.
    It's just the Fact Caleb Has some good ass Acting skills." She said as she chuckled. "Did you Ever think about Telling us." She added on.

Caleb only Sighed as I shot The 8Ball in.
I won!!" I said.
   I honestly don't Know. But I knew one of y'all was gone push it out of me." He said rolling his eyes and looking at Aaliyah.

I'm sorry. U just seemed a lil off and being me, I started being Curious and ended up making us argue and stuff." She said looking At the wall. Caleb only laughed.
Ur fine." He said going upstairs.


The day went by normal. We killed. But we was preparing for What we had plan the last couple of days. We had 2days left until it happened. It was totally dumb but Oh well. I gathered A glock 19, M16, M4 Carbine, Colt M4 etc. Caleb and Aaliyah Gathered a lot of ammo so we should be good.

    We also got these Big Masks to protect our Face. We had 5 Big long Duffel bags that we can put on our backs which held the weapons. We each had one and 2 extra ones just in case.

We made a sure to have everything. What we was about to do, Could Mean, Death was Calling.

Got every Thing?" I asked walking in the Giant Living room.
Yea. You?" Aaliyah Asked as Caleb sat down across from her.
Ofcourse!" I said.


Ofcourse!" Maria Said. They started a conversation about the past while I just started at the Coffee Table. I was Nervous and felt like having a Panic attack. I guess they Noticed because they stopped talking and stared at me.

Why are you staring at me" I said looking at both of them.
It's going to be okay. All we have to do is just Act brave to become brave, Stay Cautious and Mostly." Aaliyah paused for a quick second. "Be ready for War." She continued which made me relax.
Her Words always made me relax but I wasn't really sure I could calm down about this plan. I usually Don't show emotions. I'm usually the one to just act Tough.

As I should.

April 5, 2020

I couldn't sleep for some reason. Maybe because of The plan. I stared at the Darkness Just thinking about what my mother would be like if I met her.

What is her favorite color?
What was her Perspective on the World?
What did she like to do?
Where did she work at?
How come Maria get to meet her but not me?
Was She pimping and not Simping?

I smiled and chuckled at my Last thought. I didn't even realize I was Crying and sweating. God, I just want one word with her. Just one and Maybe just Maybe I could hug her. I drifted off to sleep.

I was in a Bright Place. I instantly Covered my Eyes.
God, Where am I?" I asked.
He is helping another Family Right now" I heard a Female Voice from behind. I turned around.
She looked just like me.
Hi Aaliyah" She said.
Mom?" I said in shocked. She just nodded. I ran and Hugged her only to go straight through.
Stop Crying" My mom said.
Is this Heaven" I said as she chuckled.
Not really but you look just like me" She said.
Mom, I Never got a chance to meet you and it's all my fault. I-" I said to get interrupted.
Never blame yourself. I just died in labor with you." She said. "Like they said. When one dies one is born." She added.
I went face to face to her.

I have so much I want to say right Now but it's not coming out." I said Crying.
It's okay. I see you, Maria and Caleb down there." She said.
I miss you and I don't even know you" I whispered.
Just Know that I love you so much and I've been watching since day 1 and always will." My mom said.

And With that. I woke up.


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