Botulinum Toxin

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This gone be a lil Short.

March 25th, 2020
CALEB ~ 6:24 p.m

So we Walked for about 3days and and we found another house. Today is the day I do what I gotta do. But of course, I had to be sneaky with it. We basically live in a BIGG abandoned Mansion now and yea. It has about 20 rooms, who knows. Kylee was outside picking Fruit which is stupid. She thinks just bc we is in a mansion, she ain't gon get hurt. The bitch is dumb. I got a Needle off my dresser and made my way to the elevator. Yes a elevator. I needed it bc a baddie can't be walking down the stairs. I'm surprised it still works. I went to the storage room and got The Botulinum Toxin. I carefully put sum in the needle and put it back.

I was making every1 Plates as they was in the Dining room. The dining room had one of those looonggg tables like in the movies with the giant chairs. Too fancy for meeee. I brung every1 there plates one by one. Before I bring Kylee her plate, I took the needle out the cabinet and placed it in her Pork Chop And Drink. After that I put the needle back took the plate to her.
Kylee: thanks, What took so long? She asked as I sat down across from her.
Me: Girl I was confused on what you liked so I froze for a sec. I lied straight through my teeth making eye contact trying not to sound suspicious.
Aaliyah: Pass me that fork. She asked. I gave her the fork and we all started Eating.

It was like EVERYTHING was happening In slow motion.

She picked up her Pork Chop with her fork.

I watched every movement.

She put it up to her mouth.

I slowly smirked while drinking My Iced tea.

She was about to take a bite. I gasped and choked on my iced tea which made her put her food down.
    Maria: dang Boi you good. She said patting my Back while Lucas got up to get some paper towel. Aaliyah Just had Her head down dying laughing.
Me: Thanks Lucas. I said grabbing the paper towel cleaning my mess. Maria sat back down.
Aaliyah: You alright. She asked smiling. I stuck my middle finger up which made her chuckle. We got back to eating.

Kylee picked her Pork chop Back up and everything went back in slow motion.
I looked at my food as she took a bite.
After a few seconds-
    Kylee: this tastes Weird. She said making a confused Face.
"Wym" I said eating my baked beans. It tasted so gooOd.
Kylee: I'll be back. She said getting up going upstairs.
After a few minutes.
"Ima go check on her" I said taking my plate in the kitchen as they nodded. I got the needle out the cabinet and went to the storage to put some more in there just in case it ain't work. After that I went to the elevator.

I walked in her room to see her sitting on her bed staring into the atmosphere. I knocked and got her attention.
Me: are you ok. I asked trying to sound worried while closing the door & walking up to her.
Kylee: idk. She simply said. "I feel weird" She added and got up and turned around going to her desk.

I walked behind her and put the needle in her Arm inserting the Botulinum in her.
Kylee: A-. I covered her mouth and watched as her body dropped and twitched. I smiled and turned around. My smile dropped.
   Lucas was standing there in shock.

Just kill him
But that wasn't the plan
Either that or he gone tell the The girls

I was knocked out of my thoughts When Lucas ran to Kylee.

Fine, I'm gonna kill him- I said in my head.

Lucas- W-why. He said in tears as he walked up to me. I didn't feel bad Nor care. He was about to say something else but I Put the needle in his cheek. He dropped to the floor.
I dragged him next to Kylee. I already knew how to explain this To Maria and Aaliyah.
  I put the needle in between them but next to they Hands.

"Bitch" I whispered while smiling and staring at them.

I started putting my Acting skills on.
    "MARIA, AALIYAH COME QUICK" I said as I acted like I was out of breathe from running.
  They opened the door and I turned around giving them a worried and sad look.


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