Dead to Me Part I

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Abernathy struggles against the ropes that bind his wrists. He bangs his shoulder against the side of the door, yelling for help but no one can hear him. The tape over his mouth made sure of that. She came out of nowhere- Mary did.

            He and Belle had gone their separate ways- she into her room and he into his. Aber couldn’t wipe the smile from his face as he shut the door behind him. Tonight, he knew, was going to be special. He didn’t see her standing in the dark corner with the gleaming knife held securely in her hand. He didn’t notice her step out from her hiding place as he closed the bathroom door.

            With the heat of the shower dulling his senses, he didn’t hear the door open and close. Aber shut off the shower and stepped onto the plush rug. The room was covered in steam, so he didn’t see her standing by the wall, watching him. Aber wrapped a towel around his waist and used his hand to wipe the mirror. He saw her then, standing behind him. He whipped around shocked and demanded to know what she was doing in his bathroom.

            “I’m just enjoying the view, love,” Mary said with a wink. She twirled the knife in her tiny hands and watched the princes eyes widen. “Oh no,” she said frowning at his face. “This isn’t for you.” Mary walked up to Aber and trailed a cold hand down his stomach, silently counting his abs. She looked up into his eyes and grinned. “This is for your wife.”

            Aber’s eyes burn with blue fire, fierce and bright. “If you so much as touch her-“

            Mary quickly points the blade at his neck and then makes her way up to his cheek. “Now, now, love,” she started with a smile, “I’d hate to have to ruin that pretty face.”

            Quick as lightening, the blonde produced a thick rope. She turned Abernathy around and bound his wrists with ease and knocked him onto the cold tile below. She bent to see his eyes and gave an award winning smile. “Be a good boy, my prince.” Before he can retort, she slapped a piece of duct tape over his mouth.

            The sound of the bed room door opening brought a smile to Mary’s face. “I believe the guest of honor has arrived.”

            Abernathy’s muffled cries grew louder when he heard Bellezza call his name and his heart began to pound against his ribcage when the door was locked. So many thoughts ran through his head but one stood out amongst them all: his wife was locked in a room with a psychopathic blonde who knows how to use a knife.

            Coming back to reality, the prince continues to bang against the door. He hears Bellezza’s grunt of pain and Mary’s joyful laughter. Aber sighs with defeat and rests his head against the door listening and praying that his love will be alright.

            Something warm and wet coats his hand. Aber looks down and jumps at the sight of blood. It seeps under the door and although it isn’t enough to mean death, it’s enough to get his heart racing again.

            “Bellezza,” he yells her name despite the sound restricting tape.

            He starts banging against the door with his side hoping that she’ll hear him and know that he’s doing everything he can to get to her.


            Belle’s fist connects with Mary’s jaw but not before she lands a clean blow to the princess’s side. Bellezza falls to the floor panting heavily and clutching her side. Mary rubs her jaw and approaches the moaning princess. Her eyes cut to the knife now abandoned on floor just a few feet away. Belle notices this and reaches for the bloody blade. Her attempt to arm herself brings a grin to Mary’s face. She kicks the knife out of the princess’s reach and laughs with delight.

            She looks down at Belle’s soiled shift. It’s ruined now, covered in blood. Speaking of blood, the warm liquid is snaking its way down the princess’s face and oozes from the deep gash in her leg.

            “It’s such a shame it had to end this way,” Mary says while reaching for the knife. Her fingers find the familiar grooves in the hilt and the weapon seems to shine just by her touch, as if it knows what evil awaits it. Her grey eyes meet Belle’s and she smiles. It’s a soft, almost friendly, smile that soon turns into a wicked and heinous grin.

            “Why are you doing this?” Belle asks, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. “Why me?”

            “It has nothing to do with you personally,” Mary begins to play with the sharp edge of the knife. “I don’t have a grudge against you but my boss does.” She gives the princess a sad smile and shrugs as if her taking the girl’s life means nothing, as if it is as easy and meaningless as swatting a fly. “I’m just following orders, Your Highness.”

            With great effort, Belle sits up and looks Mary square in the eye. “Who’s orders?”

            Shaking her head, Mary approaches the injured princess and points the knife at her chest. “Goodbye, Princess.”


Cliff hanger!!!

Hope you liked it! 2 more chapter left.

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