The Wedding

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            Bellezza’s eyes open slowly and she takes in her surroundings. Abernathy’s warm arms are tightly wrapped around her while the silk covers that once adorned the soft bed now lay in shambles at her feet. Her eyes grow wide at the thought of what may have happened. She tries desperately to recall the events after their kiss but her mind comes up blank. The princess’ heart begins to race and she pulls herself away from the farm boy’s warm embrace. The sudden absence of his princess allows him to awaken from his peaceful sleep. Upon seeing Bellezza up and pacing the length of room, he stands from the bed and approaches her. Worry clouds her chocolate eyes and as Aber tries to put his arms around her once again, she shimmies out of his grasp.

            “What happened last night?” She suddenly asks. At the boy’s confusion, she continues. “Did we…?” she’s at a loss of words. “Did we, maybe…?” Again, the princess cannot find the words in which to form her question. She approaches him, hoping to gain confidence by his closeness. “Did something happen between us?”

            “You mean did we have sex last night?” At her frantic nodding, Abernathy chuckles. “No, we didn’t.”

            The princess lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank the Gods!” She says, walking to the bed to sit down. Smiling, she looks up at Aber’s face, but that smile fades at his hurt expression. Quickly, she tries to fix her mistake. “I’m sorry,” she says, hurrying to his side. “I’m not saying that I wouldn’t want to, you know, with you. I’m sure it would be great,” Bellezza runs her hand down her face. “That’s not what I meant to say.” She sighs. “What I’m trying to say is that I’m only sixteen. And, I don’t think I’m ready.” She looks up into his eyes, hoping that he understands.

            Abernathy laughs aloud and pulls his princess to him. He realizes that his game has gone far enough. “I understand, Belle. I’m just messing with you,” he explains in between laughs.

            In mock outrage, the princess slaps his arm in hopes of disguising her red face. At the sound of a forceful knock on the door, the two move apart. Vita walks in. Even in the wee hours of the morning, the queen is dressed to perfection is a knee length, nude colored dress and white pumps. Upon seeing her daughter still in her sleepwear, the queen rolls her eyes.

            “Bellezza Marie,” she says, clicking her tongue. “Why are you not dressed yet? The wedding is starting soon and you haven’t even begun to get ready!” The queen’s eyes find Abernathy sitting diligently in the chair she had set up for him. “You,” she walks over to him and grabs his arm forcefully. “Thank you for your services but right now, my daughter needs to get ready.” Quickly, she pushes him out of the room and shuts the door. Turning her gaze back to her daughter, she waves her hands toward the suitcase in the corner. “Go on now, Belle! Get dressed.”

            After what seems like hours of her mother’s nagging and harsh words, Bellezza is finally dressed in a semiformal, strapless, chiffon dress the color of bright peonies. The princess turns to the side on her bed while Vita grabs a chunk of her daughter’s thick locks and begins her work. Memories of the past flood her mind as she remembers a moment exactly like this one.

            “Mommy,” five-year old Bellezza starts as Vita begins braiding the girl’s hair. “Will I ever find a husband like Daddy?”

            The young queen couldn’t help but chuckle at her daughter’s request. Honestly, she had no doubt that the princess would find a husband but one like her king? She didn’t see why anyone would want a husband like hers.

            “Of course you will,” she said with smile. “You will find a wonderful husband who loves and adores you.”

            “Don’t listen to her Bells,” an all too familiar voice said. “You’re my sister. Why would anyone want to marry you?”

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